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  • Server Improvements

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Titanicguy, Jun 10, 2016.

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    1. Titanicguy

      Titanicguy Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      Because I never think ahead,I never made any placeholders for the old server improvements thread.And it's gonna be outright stupid to tell @ParanormalPizza ''Can you put these suggestions in your comment'' because of a mistake I made.So,here's a better planned 2.0 version of the mega-suggestion...With placeholders!Woo!
      I just made the first 3 suggestions,others are by the community.
      1. Reset Survival-Survival is a very broken server.Duping bases are everywhere,the /rtp and /wild commands do not work,the grief is just terrible for new players,and the economy is broken too.Might as well call it OP survival...Things that would be good for survival would be /god being disabled in PVP,making PVP claims,or just making survival vanilla,because it's fun that way.Another thing to do is remove /Enchant /V and /God because they're just /OP split up into 3 forms.
      2. Fix Infection-The block glitching is annoying.It could be fixed by making Infection adventure mode though.The nuketown map is just awful,the fences there need to be fixed.The temple map has missing ladders and broken stairwells,Metropolis has OP fence gates behind the spawn,and the Carnival map has spawn barriers that make it annoying for the zombies.
      3. Moderator commands-Hackers like to troll moderators in some gamemodes with toggling their hacks when they see a moderator come,and this is pretty annoying as mods can't do their jobs of banning people.They need /gamemode 3.
      4. @WinterWaffles : Deleting warps - In alot of the gamemodes where you can make warps,there is a problem where when you leave that server,the warps do not belong to you anymore.This has been here for a little while.
      5. @RebornWolf : Creative anti-spam - A new plugin that stops a player from repeating 2 messages that are similar to each other in a short period of time.EX:TPA for a creative RP! TPA for a creative RP!!!
      6. @IncaMiyuki : New mod ranks - Please read through it all before stating an opinion on it.:
        Overall, I think the mods should be given more perms in general. On most large servers, there are often two ranks below mod. The lowest is like a trainee "Helper" kind of thing. They usually are only given access to simple commands like /fly, /kick, /socialspy and /mute. This rank is good for seeing if the person would actually be a good mod. The second is something like a "Jr. Mod", the rank a helper type staff member would get after being promoted. They would have access to commands like /ban, /v, and whatever other commands that the owners think should be given to someone they trust more than a helper. I'm not sure how it is for staff on this server, but on most other servers I've worked on, the Mod rank usually has access to /gamemode. They are also able to change minor technical things on the server, and they can build inside of spawn areas. I think this would be a useful addition because it would allow the mods to better help the owners and admins, as well as make it easier to hire staff.
        If you think I should elaborate on anything, just let me know.
      7. @The Real Xtreme : Staff/Server Improvements - This is probably the most detailed and helpful list made on the thread(as of now).Please read through it all before stating an opinion on it. So, a few suggestions that others have not yet made:

        1. Active owners.

        No, I don't mean active as is online, but active as in being active with the community. They should let the community know whats up, if they are making any improvements in the coming future, dates for releasing servers, etc. So that everyone doesn't lose hype and quit the server for inactive updating. (No offense, but I have been told by some that they find the server boring due to that reason)

        2. Updating all the servers.

        Update the servers with: Better kits (balanced I mean, not just brand new names), Better maps (not detailed maps, just balanced maps is all I ask), better plugins that actually work properly (examples of plugins that don't work would be the /warp command in survival). This updating would also include a entire reset for the server, giving everyone a fair advantage.

        NOTE: This does follow up my next suggestion.

        3. Re-doing the ranks.

        As many of you know, I'm against ranks on Mineverse. I don't like pay to win, and I'm a real jerk about. I want to make this plain and simple. Get rid of the OP stuff, and give all players a fair chance. Just because a player can't afford a rank, doesn't mean he must auto die to a Titan in Infection or Skywars.

        Now, this is how we fix this:
        Don't give Sponsors-Titans kits, give them cosmetic items.
        From pets to even facial appearance items (this would require the developers to actually develop a plugin (no offense, but I'm not seeing anything original from the plugin section). Also, just give them the title in-game with "titan <Name>" along with cosmetics. No need to give them OP gear to wrekt the so called "scrubs" of the server. No need to give them gear that they can only receive (being that the gear is unobtainable in Minecraft logic). This also goes with 2. which means all the gear that people had in their vaults from the ranks will be gone. Thus, giving everyone a equal footing. The only way you could have an advantage over the opposing player would be being more prepared than him gear wise (or pvp wise).

        4. Moderator rework.

        I'm not saying re-do the entire rank system, but at least take into consideration fo what other servers have done. I'd say split the moderator rank into multiple ranks, keeping the system secure. Meaning, the moderators who might betray the server later on, won't exist as much. I'm not saying they won't get hacked (that's on the website's fault anyway) but the people who actually betray, won't appear as much theoretically. The way I'm thinking this system is this:

        -Head Moderator (being the top rank of the moderator system)

        The head moderator will be basically like it is right now, but having more commands. Commands such as /v /gamemode creative and the other commands they have at the moment. Now, the requirement for being head moderator would be:
        -Having been Senior Moderator for at least 2 years. This ensures the person is fully committed to the server. They have full knowledge of how the server works.
        -Have submitted a application to Cypriot personally,
        To mods:
        ***Hidden content cannot be quoted.***
        -Senior Moderators.

        Senior Moderators are essentially Moderators that have been on the server as mod for at least 1 year. This means they should have full knowledge of how the server works and their commands/duties. Basically they have all the commands mods have today, except they have permission to do /v. They also can /ban which will permanently ban players. They also have permission to /mute which will permanently mute players. Being promoted to this rank requires moderators to make a application (if they are junior moderators) in the application section of the forums.

        SIDE NOTE:
        The application forums will be cut into sections.
        When you click on the section you will be given three choices:
        Helper Applications
        Junior Moderator Applications
        Senior Moderator Applications

        The reason players will publicly be able to view applications for JR and SR moderators is because they may have advice or suggestions for that moderator. Meaning the player might feel as though the moderator isn't ready for this role for certain reasons (same as applications today).

        -Junior moderators.

        Junior moderators are essentially server moderators. they do the exact same thing global moderators do, but just on one server each. They have all perms that SR mod has, except for /ban /v and /mute. They can only temp ban and temp mute. They cannot vanish but they do have /god and /fly.
        Requirements for this rank would be to have been a Helper rank for at least 6 months. This theoretically makes sure the helper is 100% committed to the server as a Moderator. They also have to create a application applying for JR moderator.


        I know what you might be thinking. Cypriot doesn't want helper rank. However, I propose a statement. Just because we copy a way of how a popular server does rank system, doesn't mean were copy cats. Now if we did everything a popular server did the exact same way they did them, then yes we are copy cats. Having helper rank is not a bad idea. It lessens the troll moderators and betrayers that might lurk in the shadows of global moderators. In the past, Cypriot has trusted moderators with great power over the span of a year and some have betrayed him. Having this rank tells us how they handle that much power even though it might not be that much.
        Helper rank will have Permission to:
        /Tempmute for up to 1 day.
        /Tempban for up to 1 day, if the ban requires more than 12 hours, they should contact a JR moderator who can ban for more than 1 day.

        Even though that is all they can do, its a lot of power not to abuse and tests whether or not the player is worthy of the job. This also means, we can promote more people rapidly and see if (say promote 6 helpers at a time) those selected people are worthy of a moderator role.

        Now, the reason behind all this nonsense I just suggested. Head Moderators having Creative gives them the ability to help players who lost items (with evidence of course) through bugs or scams. Giving them creative and not the other ranks, makes sure people don't abuse it. I'm not saying they won't abuse it, but it lessens the chance of them abusing it by only letting the head moderators with /creative. Senior moderators having /v gives them the ability to Vanish in front of hackers, giving them a easier way to ban hackers. The reason why JR Moderators do not have /v is due to abuse possibilities. 6 months is not too long and once that helper is or if he/she is promoted, we don't know how much power he/she could abuse. Limiting down the power a player can abuse if he/she must do, limits the destruction he/she can cause. Player feedback also gives Cypriot the more information on that moderator, helper, etc. and how much he/she deserves that promotion.

        5. Builder/Developer Rework

        I love our builders, I also love our developers we have had. However, some have too much power in the server I think. For example, we just recently lost a builder over abuse in power, how can we fix this? Simple, take away the power they have.


        The sole purpose of having a builder is for him to make maps, plugins, etc. I can only assume we have a server dedicated for building that kind of stuff. Therefore, only let the builder have permissions in that server. Make the builder rank just like you and I. No, commands such as /creative, no commands that could cause greifing, and no commands that could make his base OP. The only the player could betray the server in-game would be by griefing a non-public server where the player can do whatever he/she wants.


        The Developer is really there just to develop ideas or maps or anything that could help the server grow. Now, we pay him to do just that. Therefore, he should only be allowed to do just that. Commands that he might have that are the same as a global moderator should be taken away so that we don't have to worry too much. Only allow the person to install plugins that you allow (directed to Cypriot there). The only command I can think of that would be safe and not so awesome people would abuse would be /fly. /fly would be useful for looking at maps after they are installed (though I would made sure the map is 100% ready before launch).

        In conclusion, my suggestions really cause a giant update to the server, and will keep the server going through the hard times we are going through at the moment (with the 1.9 update and the EULA Crisis). If you have any opinions about my comment, please quote it, I want to hear your opinion about it. I also, kinda support 1-10 of all the suggestions made so far, because they kinda support my suggestions as well.

        Also, another side note. Please don't take this to offense if I offended any of the staff. Take this as constructive criticism, please. I'm not saying anyone will be, but if anyone is, please don't. Thanks.
      Last edited: Jun 10, 2016
    2. Titanicguy

      Titanicguy Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      Apparently what Swift said couldn't be placed into the first part...Oh well.
      1. @Swift : Bedwars improvements and ideas -
        Bedwars Bugs/Issues List
        1. Glitched middles (not allowing you to build to middle or in middle) on Windmill for red team, temples, autumn, desert, spiral, and others
        2. Protect the villager on desert from being blown off the map with that
        3. Remove the village on autumn, you can obtain iron armor and such from there
        4. Remove sand from Texas massacre because it's obtainable and can be used to make your bed unbreakable
        5. Reset enderchests because many players still have wool and such from before the update to make their bed unbreakable, it also makes people overpowered at the beginning of the game
        6. Remove flatlands, this allows players to troll and run away from the map boundaries to avoid getting killed and losing
        7. Add /ignore to allow players to ignore negativity
        8. Fix spectator blocking which allows you to block players who are still alive when they build or use enderpearls
        9. Get better anti cheat plugin, people are starting to fly without needing someone to hit them now
        10. Add public and team chat to allow players to discuss privately with their teammates about their plans
        11. Longer bans for hackers after so many offenses, which I have explained in my other thread about this, this would stop this silly 3 repeatedly day bans
        12. Block /me because it's a way to bypass the spam filter
        13. Add a swearing filter so players can swear as freely and often as they please
        14. Make cross teaming and team killing bannable, this completely ruins the point of a team based game. This ain't Skywars.
        15. Allow moderators to have permission on bedwars or create a separate bedwars lobby to ban hackers on instead of the regular lobbies.
        16. @kbbuster : Addition
          Quick list of glitched areas:

          /bw1 Texas Massacre - glitched middle
          /bw2 and /bw15 Windmill - glitched red side, red has to build around which can be hard and give them serious disadvantages
          /bw3, /bw11, /bw14, and another I'm too lazy to remember Skyline Restaurant - glitched middle
          /bw5 Old Tavern - glitched green island, can't build on island, have to hug outside of island to build. Also green has barrier blocks around their bed
          /bw6 Autumn - glitched middle
          /bw7, /bw16 Abandoned Mineshaft - glitched middle
          /bw13 Temple - glitched middle
        17. NEW MAPS AND MAP DISTRIBUTION: In Bedwars the map distribution is uneven, there are 4 Skyline Restaurants (bw3, bw11, bw14, forgot the other one), two Windmills, two Snow Islands, two Abandoned mines and one of everything else. Really, that's an imbalance in favor of Skyline, you should really make it so that each server has no more than two maps, and add new maps (I've heard there are old maps floating around that were never implemented) to replace those Skyline servers. Better yet just have 1 map, 1 server, because the maps get really repetitive after a while.
        If I missed anything please add to this list. @KenjiTakashami81 @kbbuster
      Last edited: Jun 12, 2016
    3. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
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      I was actually going to make something very similar to this, I agree on everything more or less except for helpers, we DO NOT have the mods in place at the moment to make this viable also there are not enough players on the servers to make it worthwhile either.
    4. Titanicguy

      Titanicguy Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      Pretty fortunate that we had around 20-30 moderators when that suggestion was made.Woo,time flies.
    5. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
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      Yeh, since we only have 15 moderators, (2 staff manages & 1 forum mod)/3 head mods, 2 devs and 2 owners I dont think helpers are exactly needed, we NEED MODERATORS, I hope the next wave is a big one like 10-15 mods even if they are not in one go but in a short period of time.
    6. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Believe it or not, Cypriot had a helper rank and moderator rank on his other server (well Noobcrews technically) and the player limit was only 250. Only 1 moderator and 2 helpers for a while, I was one of them :>
    7. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
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      I did not know that, when was this?
    8. Titanicguy

      Titanicguy Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      Convo please,I moved it to suggestions so it's not a discussion thread anymore. :c
    9. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Wasn't here but it was a server that was closed down because he did not WANT To own it ;( but he doesn't like discussing it, I'm sure you can google it it is called "Skyblock islands"
      SORRY @Somebody i was already typing
    10. ParanormalPizza

      ParanormalPizza Well-Known Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      ? What do you mean?
    11. Titanicguy

      Titanicguy Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      You were the second person to comment on the original thread.
    12. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      I think Nanurz revealed in his profile that there's going to be promotions soon. Good luck to those who have their profiles on the Moderator Applications! :)
      Well, currently we have 3 (I think?) AUS Mods, no Asian Mods (RIP @SSMH ;-; ), Some US and some EU. So... hmm. :P
    13. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
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      1 EU
    14. aurabuster

      aurabuster Active Member

      Dec 27, 2015
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      Cross teaming...well I guess it depends on how you look at it. Some games are not serious because some teams, say yellow and green, come together and eat cake and spare the last red guy (whose bed is broken) because they like him, and then the game only ends when said guy leaves or someone on green team who doesn't like red guy kills him after several failed epearls.

      Quick list of glitched areas:

      /bw1 Texas Massacre - glitched middle
      /bw2 and /bw15 Windmill - glitched red side, red has to build around which can be hard and give them serious disadvantages
      /bw3, /bw11, /bw14, and another I'm too lazy to remember Skyline Restaurant - glitched middle
      /bw5 Old Tavern - glitched green island, can't build on island, have to hug outside of island to build. Also green has barrier blocks around their bed
      /bw6 Autumn - glitched middle
      /bw7, /bw16 Abandoned Mineshaft - glitched middle
      /bw13 Temple - glitched middle

      And @Herf said his suggestion for the map was accepted already and will be added when KitPvP is reset.
    15. Titanicguy

      Titanicguy Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      Cross teaming,as in a team mate decides to impede your own team because he thinks hes on the other team.
      And I'll remove the Kit-PvP map suggestion,thank you.
    16. aurabuster

      aurabuster Active Member

      Dec 27, 2015
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      K, I made list of glitched areas above
      Yeah, team-killing and cross teaming should be bannable
    17. aurabuster

      aurabuster Active Member

      Dec 27, 2015
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      Add this please.

      17. NEW MAPS AND MAP DISTRIBUTION: In Bedwars the map distribution is uneven, there are 4 Skyline Restaurants (bw3, bw11, bw14, forgot the other one), two Windmills, two Snow Islands, two Abandoned mines and one of everything else. Really, that's an imbalance in favor of Skyline, you should really make it so that each server has no more than two maps, and add new maps (I've heard there are old maps floating around that were never implemented) to replace those Skyline servers. Better yet just have 1 map, 1 server, because the maps get really repetitive after a while.
    18. Titanicguy

      Titanicguy Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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    19. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Hm? Is this like needed, new maps sure would be nice. but not like a first thing to do before fixing spec blocking.
    20. aurabuster

      aurabuster Active Member

      Dec 27, 2015
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      None of this stuff except the glitches are "needed", these are all improvements.
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