Over the past week on the parkour section of the server, there has been a bug on the 1st parkour level, where when you hit the sign at the end of the level, nothing happens. This isn't just me, because when I was on yesterday, 6 players were at the end of the level and couldn't proceed. Please fix this. -WarCow
There's a lot of threads about broken parkour signs. Don't email support as I think support already has a lot of emails regarding this issue. Perhaps do as what Wolfie said? To let a Developer know?
Maybe be patient? I am sure they are working on trying to fix all of the bugs and glitches in the game modes.
Ikr. They are the worst. I hope this is sarcasm but I am not 100% sure, ya never know. Also, I think you have said you are working on it on multiple threads and I have seen you on it but nah I must be mistaken...
OK s o basically you guys are telling me the staff is too lazy to care about their server and fix it? Well ok then. -WarCow
Please fix this. You work hard on a level only to find you can't go to the next. Lots of people are quitting parkour.
The parkour signs have been fixed: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/parkour-signs-fix.90600/ Archiving