Here's a guide with most of the commands and tricks you'll need to play/survive GTA What is GTA? GTA on Mineverse is basically GTA but on Minecraft. How do I get to GTA? Simply type /server GTA in the chat when you're on the server. How do I play? To begin playing, type /rtp in the chat. How do I get items? Chests are located around the map and they contain things like; armor, food, weapons, ammo, and guns. - GTA also has cars, cars are found in chests. If someone shoots you and you are in a car, you have a good chance of dying instantly Some of the weapons found in chests, other than guns are, baseball bats & brass knuckles. If you're trying to secretly kill someone, I suggest using one of those. - There are also gangs on GTA. Use the command /gang create (name) to create a gang. Use the command /gang help if you want more information about the gang. - The GTA spawn has a lot to offer. Enchanting Room The enchanting room allows you to enchant any piece of armor of your choice. Armor Shop There is an armor shop at spawn which sells Iron & Diamond accessories. Prices = 1k per piece of Diamond Armor 500$ per piece of Iron Armor General Store The general store sells food. Prices = 4 apples for 15$ 1 golden apple for 80$ 6 bread for 20$ 8 cookie for 10$ Gun Shop The Gun Shop sells every type of gun that can be found in chests except for the rare items. Ammo is also sold too. The prices range from 40$ to 2000$ (ammo and guns) Bank The bank is a place full of echests. Echests can also be accessed with the command /echest. Casino The Casino provides a way to win extra money. - Rank Perks Only ranks can teleport to people using /tpa. Premium Perks - 5$ USD /Kit premium - 8 hour cooldown Full gold armor set One baseball bat One Jericho 491 64 Pistol ammo 16 Steak Sponsor - 10$ USD You can keep your XP levels when you die /Kit sponsor - 8 hour cooldown Full chain armor set One brass knuckles One USAS 12 shotgun 64 Shotgun shells 16 Steak VIP - 20$ USD You can keep your XP levels when you die Access to /hat Access to /me /Kit vip - 8 hour cooldown Full iron set 1 Riot shield One type 95 assault rifle 64 Assault ammo 16 Steak MVP - 35$ USD You can keep your XP levels when you die. Access to /hat Access to /ptime Access to /me /Kit mvp - 8 hour cooldown One full Iron Armor set prot1 One riot shield One FN FAL assault rifle 64 Assault ammo 16 Steak Elite - 50$ USD You can keep your XP levels when you die Access to /hat Access to /ptime Access to /me Access to /near /Kit elite - 8 hour cooldown One full Iron Armor set prot2 One riot shield One Mosin 9130 sniper rifle 64 Sniper ammo 16 Steak Supreme - 80$ USD You can keep your XP levels when you die Access to /pet Access to /tpa, /tpahere Access to /hat Access to /ptime Access to /me Access to /near Access to /feed /Kit surpreme - 8 hour cooldown One Full Diamond Armour set One Riot Shield One AWM Magnum sniper rifle 64 Sniper ammo 16 Steak God - 100$ USD You can keep your XP levels when you die Access to /pet Access to /tpa, /tpahere Access to /hat Access to /ptime Access to /me Access to /near Access to /feed Access to /enderchest /Kit god - 8 hour cooldown Full Diamond Armour set prot1 One Riot Shield One Barret .50 Cal sniper rifle 128 sniper ammo One Enchanted Golden Apple 16 Steak Titan - 250$ USD You can keep your XP levels when you die Access to /pet Access to /tpa, /tpahere Access to /ptime Access to /me Access to /near Access to /feed Access to /enderchest /Kit titan - 8 hour cooldown Full Diamond Armor set prot2 One Riot Shield One Barret .50 Cal sniper rifle 128 sniper ammo Two Enchanted Golden Apples 16 steak - Other Weapons Some of the other weapons include feathers/jumpers, torches/autosnipers, & chainsaws. - Other commands /bounty player <$$$> /bountyon player /bal /spawn - ;') - Teeeb