my tablet isn't working ;3; so i did it on paper as i cant just not do it (so wasn't just laziness ;3) bit when i fix it ill do it digitally ;3 sry x3 the paper also rips as i was trying to rub it out but it wasn't so i got a little pissed xD just dont pay any attention to it xp
My tablet fixed it self and so i redrew ur skin a little diff .3. (i did the hair, then gave up, sry xD)
In-game name: TrinnyWinny, just do Trinny if you want Style: Anime Skin: Do it facing forward and leaning a bit please
sO I changed me my name Name: For the picture it'll be nice just to have Cassie Style: Anime or Chibi, idc Link: ((Ignore the derp face at the bottom of the head, don't draw the derpy face kthx))
Username: SlimeyOctopus Style: cartoonie? Is that what Chibi is? Link to skin: Basically just an octopus wearing a tux cartoon thing
Username: _Primitive Style: Chibi or Anime or even both :P Link:
I did urs again cuz the last one was just way to bad (not that this is any better xd) I did the cloths colors then gave up x3 sry.
Username: DinoDucky, I prefer 'DinoDuck' on the picture. Style: Chibi. Skin: Position: Dabbing. Thank you for your time.
Username: Teeeb Style: Anime Skin: Position: Sitting or standing idc ur so talented btw
Username: Infxnity_ Style: anime or Chibi Skin: Position: Standing Thanks!
Username: Exstatisfy Style: Anime Skin: Position: You choose, I don't mind. Note - The bunny face is a mask, he is wearing a hoodie, and just for reference his hair is grey and his eyes are blue. Just in case you needed to know. Thank you!