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  • EpicGamer2353's Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by EpicGamer2353, Jun 6, 2016.

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    1. EpicGamer2353

      EpicGamer2353 Active Member

      Jun 6, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Hello there! This is my staff application. If you have any extra questions regarding any information given here, feel free to post them below. Any extra tips are always welcome and I will check how my staff application every day! I've also tried to make it easy to read and organized as much as possible. Besides that I've tried being as specific as possible and going in detail on everything and not miss on any information.
      Thank you for your time.

      Questions About You
      What is your Minecraft username?:
      My current in-game is "EpicGamer2353" and i do not plan on changing it.

      Have you ever changed your Minecraft username?:
      No I've never changed my in-game name since the day i bought my premium account.

      What in-game ranks do you currently have?:
      Unfortunately I have no ranks on the server Mineverse

      How old are you?:
      I am currently 13years old. I was born on the 21th of July 2002.

      When did you join Mineverse?:
      I joined the forums just today. But i've been playing the server for 2 years to get to know my way around.
      It would be kind of naïve to apply for staff without knowing your way around.

      What drew you to Mineverse when you joined? What has kept you here until this day?
      What brought me here was my friends Jarretthoffman. He has been playing this server for longer periods. he helped me know the server better and made me understand alot more.

      What time zone are you in?:

      The Mineverse Staff Team expects a certain level of active gameplay; what do your play-time hours look like from day to day?
      I am currently on summer break so I am free when ever you need me unless we go out of town in witch case I would notify the owner and tell him that I would not be able to get on for a while.

      Why would you like to join the Staff team?

      The main reason I want to join the staff team. Is because it's somethign I really enjoy doing.
      I also understand all my duties and understand my reponsibilities. But there will always be situations where
      i can become better and learn from each one. I like being the "go to guy" when people are in need of help/support. I really enjoy helping other people too, which is commonly said in every staff application but I can assure you that I am telling the truth and actually do what I am told to.

      What value do you feel you can specifically bring to the team that others cannot? What puts you above the other applicants?
      I've seen that many staff applicants/players have fallen into toxicity, which I can assure you of, I avoid any toxicity. Also my expirience on other servers made me perfection my moderation skills. I always think twice before doing anything, also have a zero-tolerance for hackers/cheaters. Not only are my moderation skills important but also my personality. I can be serious and playfull at the appropriate times. I know when to be serious and when to make jokes or have some laughs. In other words I am a all-around fun guy to be around.

      Please explain a time you had to demonstrate leadership.
      There we're times i had to show my leadership skills, not only as a player but also as a staff member.
      For example, I was a head-mod on the Yofou network and was responsible for all staff-application and ban applications. As a player on the Pulse network I was a leader of a 60 man faction. Which consisted of a 30 man faction + some allies. Which I handled pretty well and managed to win the EoTW KoTH.

      EoTW* = End of the world
      KoTH* = King of the hill

      Describe what makes you a leader. If you choose not to lead, why do you choose not to?
      There is no reason for me not to want to lead. I am pretty sure I can handle the stress/reponsibility excellently. A leader means someone you look up to, someone who gives the commands and makes sure everything goes well. A good leader is a leader who cares about every single member of his crew.

      What do you believe will prevent you from becoming a member of Staff?
      There are currently a couple of things that worry me. But I can assure you that I am a excellent staff member and all this information is self-made and not copied from anywhere else.

      1. People thinking I am lying/copying from other applications.
      2. Eco not needing any more staff.

      *I do hope I land on the "waiting list" incase there is no need for any staff.

      Participating as a Staff member can be stressful at times, how do you manage stress?
      I can handle stress perfectly. Even though I don't get stressfull very quick and am a calm guy.
      If I did get stressed out, i would simply take a 10 minute break and come back to solve whatever problem it was. Of course I don't take breaks when people need me. I make sure I help them and then go take a break.

      What do you do in your free time away from Mineverse?
      Do you have any hobbies, sports, talents, or other fun things that you do?

      Fun question! I do have a YouTube channel which is currently inactive until I get my new computer.

      Opinion Questions

      A Moderator's role on Mineverse is to enforce the rules. Besides that, what do you feel a Moderator does on the server?
      Help people in need. Not only with problems in-game but I also help with all kinds of problems. I do not mind any problem and am willing to help with everything I can.

      Explain in your own words why we have Moderators and why you want to be one.
      Moderations are needed to enforce the rules as listed up there^.
      But also to make sure the server is running well and good plus that
      everyone is having a great time.

      The Staff team is always changing and improving. If you become a Staff member, what is one thing you would like to change about the Staff team?
      I would not change anything + I know I am not in the possition to tell higher staff what to do with the current staff team. I entrust the higher staff members to look after the staff team, but I will report any abuse I suspect/see from other staff members.

      With the change you suggested above, how can you specifically help make that change?
      All-around helping and making sure other staff members are doing what they need to do.
      As said above, report any abuse I suspect/see from other staff members.

      In your opinion, what kind of things do you feel are most important for a Staff member to focus on to help Mineverse continue to grow?
      Hackers/Cheaters, Not only do they ruin the economy but also the community. They can make other players quit or lose valuable stuff. I am really good at catching them and have a zero-tolerance against hackers.

      Staff and the community don’t always see eye-to-eye. In your opinion, what are some ways to bring everyone closer together?
      Skype, It is really helpful and can make things run faster.
      It also helps other players meet new people and talk with each other!

      Hypothetical Questions

      You notice that a SuperMod has kicked someone for harassment, but all chat channels have been quiet lately. How do you handle this situation?
      First I would ask that specific SuperMod what the reason was for that kick. If I get no answer or the answer makes no sense. I would collect proof and report it to higher staff members.

      A user at spawn says that they’re on Mineverse right now because <Hypixel> is down at the moment. How do you handle this situation?
      i would warn/mute the player for server advertisement and would message him and explain why that's not tolerated in detail.

    2. Frooes

      Frooes Experienced Member

      Dec 20, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No support
      • More information
      • Didn't follow the format
      • Take out your personal information
      • Never seen you in-game or on forums, since you just joined to apply
      • Application is hard to read
      • Grammar errors are in the application
      Good luck ^^
    3. EpicGamer2353

      EpicGamer2353 Active Member

      Jun 6, 2016
      Likes Received:
      wait does this mean I cant reapply?
    4. DinoDuck

      DinoDuck Well-Known Member

      Jan 13, 2016
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      Please fill out the template, or your app will be ignored.

      Your in-game name:
      What timezone are you in?
      What country do you live in?
      What languages do you speak?
      Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes/No
      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)
      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?

      Do you meet the requirements for staff? Yes/No

      Please do not ask to become a staff as it lower your chances becoming one.
    5. EpicGamer2353

      EpicGamer2353 Active Member

      Jun 6, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Hello there! This is my staff application. If you have any extra questions regarding any information given here, feel free to post them below. Any extra tips are always welcome and I will check how my staff application every day! I've also tried to make it easy to read and organized as much as possible. Besides that I've tried being as specific as possible and going in detail on everything and not miss on any information.
      Thank you for your time.

      Questions About You
      What is your Minecraft username?:
      My current in-game is "EpicGamer2353" and i do not plan on changing it.

      Have you ever changed your Minecraft username?:
      No I've never changed my in-game name since the day i bought my premium account.

      What in-game ranks do you currently have?:
      Unfortunately I have no ranks on the server Mineverse

      How old are you?:
      I am currently 13years old. I was born on the 21th of July 2002.

      When did you join Mineverse?:
      I joined the forums just today. But i've been playing the server for 2 years to get to know my way around.
      It would be kind of naïve to apply for staff without knowing your way around.

      What drew you to Mineverse when you joined? What has kept you here until this day?
      What brought me here was my friends Jarretthoffman. He has been playing this server for longer periods. he helped me know the server better and made me understand alot more.

      What time zone are you in?:

      The Mineverse Staff Team expects a certain level of active gameplay; what do your play-time hours look like from day to day?
      I am currently on summer break so I am free when ever you need me unless we go out of town in witch case I would notify the owner and tell him that I would not be able to get on for a while.

      Why would you like to join the Staff team?

      The main reason I want to join the staff team. Is because it's somethign I really enjoy doing.
      I also understand all my duties and understand my reponsibilities. But there will always be situations where
      i can become better and learn from each one. I like being the "go to guy" when people are in need of help/support. I really enjoy helping other people too, which is commonly said in every staff application but I can assure you that I am telling the truth and actually do what I am told to.

      What value do you feel you can specifically bring to the team that others cannot? What puts you above the other applicants?
      I've seen that many staff applicants/players have fallen into toxicity, which I can assure you of, I avoid any toxicity. Also my expirience on other servers made me perfection my moderation skills. I always think twice before doing anything, also have a zero-tolerance for hackers/cheaters. Not only are my moderation skills important but also my personality. I can be serious and playfull at the appropriate times. I know when to be serious and when to make jokes or have some laughs. In other words I am a all-around fun guy to be around.

      Please explain a time you had to demonstrate leadership.
      There we're times i had to show my leadership skills, not only as a player but also as a staff member.
      For example, I was a head-mod on the Yofou network and was responsible for all staff-application and ban applications. As a player on the Pulse network I was a leader of a 60 man faction. Which consisted of a 30 man faction + some allies. Which I handled pretty well and managed to win the EoTW KoTH.

      EoTW* = End of the world
      KoTH* = King of the hill

      Describe what makes you a leader. If you choose not to lead, why do you choose not to?
      There is no reason for me not to want to lead. I am pretty sure I can handle the stress/reponsibility excellently. A leader means someone you look up to, someone who gives the commands and makes sure everything goes well. A good leader is a leader who cares about every single member of his crew.

      What do you believe will prevent you from becoming a member of Staff?
      There are currently a couple of things that worry me. But I can assure you that I am a excellent staff member and all this information is self-made and not copied from anywhere else.

      1. People thinking I am lying/copying from other applications.
      2. Eco not needing any more staff.

      *I do hope I land on the "waiting list" incase there is no need for any staff.

      Participating as a Staff member can be stressful at times, how do you manage stress?
      I can handle stress perfectly. Even though I don't get stressfull very quick and am a calm guy.
      If I did get stressed out, i would simply take a 10 minute break and come back to solve whatever problem it was. Of course I don't take breaks when people need me. I make sure I help them and then go take a break.

      What do you do in your free time away from Mineverse?
      Do you have any hobbies, sports, talents, or other fun things that you do?

      Fun question! I do have a YouTube channel which is currently inactive until I get my new computer.

      Opinion Questions

      A Moderator's role on Mineverse is to enforce the rules. Besides that, what do you feel a Moderator does on the server?
      Help people in need. Not only with problems in-game but I also help with all kinds of problems. I do not mind any problem and am willing to help with everything I can.

      Explain in your own words why we have Moderators and why you want to be one.
      Moderations are needed to enforce the rules as listed up there^.
      But also to make sure the server is running well and good plus that
      everyone is having a great time.

      The Staff team is always changing and improving. If you become a Staff member, what is one thing you would like to change about the Staff team?
      I would not change anything + I know I am not in the possition to tell higher staff what to do with the current staff team. I entrust the higher staff members to look after the staff team, but I will report any abuse I suspect/see from other staff members.

      With the change you suggested above, how can you specifically help make that change?
      All-around helping and making sure other staff members are doing what they need to do.
      As said above, report any abuse I suspect/see from other staff members.

      In your opinion, what kind of things do you feel are most important for a Staff member to focus on to help Mineverse continue to grow?
      Hackers/Cheaters, Not only do they ruin the economy but also the community. They can make other players quit or lose valuable stuff. I am really good at catching them and have a zero-tolerance against hackers.

      Staff and the community don’t always see eye-to-eye. In your opinion, what are some ways to bring everyone closer together?
      Skype, It is really helpful and can make things run faster.
      It also helps other players meet new people and talk with each other!

      Hypothetical Questions

      You notice that a SuperMod has kicked someone for harassment, but all chat channels have been quiet lately. How do you handle this situation?
      First I would ask that specific SuperMod what the reason was for that kick. If I get no answer or the answer makes no sense. I would collect proof and report it to higher staff members.

      A user at spawn says that they’re on Mineverse right now because <Hypixel> is down at the moment. How do you handle this situation?
      i would warn/mute the player for server advertisement and would message him and explain why that's not tolerated in detail.

    6. Wolfie

      Wolfie Boss Member

      Jan 27, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No Support, sorry.

      You do not meet the requirements:
      ~50 Post Count
      ~2 Weeks on Forums
    7. EpicGamer2353

      EpicGamer2353 Active Member

      Jun 6, 2016
      Likes Received:
      what is a 50 post count
    8. EpicGamer2353

      EpicGamer2353 Active Member

      Jun 6, 2016
      Likes Received:
      if I would have had the requirements would i have made it?
    9. seanrays

      seanrays Well-Known Member

      Sep 22, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No support.
      Reasons stated above.
      Anyways, 50 post counts means that you need to make 50 messages on the forums.
    10. Surge

      Surge Boss Member

      Sep 16, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Your in-game name:
      What timezone are you in?
      What country do you live in?
      What languages do you speak?
      Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes/No
      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)
      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?

      Do you meet the requirements for staff? Yes/No

      No you woulden't most likely because there is no detail and no one has ever seen you on.
    11. PvP_Forever

      PvP_Forever Guest

      No support, sorry reasons stated above.
    12. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support. You can edit your first post instead of reposting.

      You don't meet the minimum requirements.
    13. amli

      amli Boss Member

      Apr 13, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No support.
    14. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
      Likes Received:
      This application looks to have been ripped from another website, I will try to confirm this in a short while.

      No support you have not followed OUR template, you obviously didn't read anything cyp noob or nanurz posted because you have created an application without meeting 2 of the minimum requirements at least possibly 3 if you don't have 2fa enabled and the other two are a post count of 50 and being a member for at least 2 weeks
    15. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I can confirm this has been ripped from another site
    16. EpicGamer2353

      EpicGamer2353 Active Member

      Jun 6, 2016
      Likes Received:
      I knew yall would think that
    17. EpicGamer2353

      EpicGamer2353 Active Member

      Jun 6, 2016
      Likes Received:
      then conferm it cause I did not rip it off
    18. clxrity

      clxrity dev Developer Premium

      Nov 7, 2015
      Likes Received:
      This application has been copied from another site. Link will not be provided due to advertising.

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