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  • Clarification - Mafia

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Exponent_, Jun 5, 2016.

    1. Titanicguy

      Titanicguy Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      I remember Rodeen said she would make a similar thread to counter Herf's @Rodeen thread...
      If she isn't done going lower than her behavior in the pictures,I don't think her behavior can be exempted like what @Imperialous said...
    2. Sam

      Sam Experienced Member

      Mar 25, 2016
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      It's on page 2 of the "Rodeen" thread, you can click my link on my post here if you want to be sent right to it.
    3. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      Exponent "You guys don't know us". You're still part of the MV Community, you can't separate from "us" per say, so easily. We may not completely empathise with you, but if you're trying to make an apology, I don't think sounding too defensive or hostile is going to help, just a tip.
    4. Exponent_

      Exponent_ Active Member

      Dec 28, 2015
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      Try reading what I posted because many of your questions and concerns have already been answered.

      I am apologizing on half of her because I feel partly responsible for allowing this to get out of hand. Regardless of what you believe, I am someone who my friends listen to. I exemplify leadership over my friends and because of that, my "virtual clan" still remains and in fact is very prosperous. Someone in the community needs to bring unity and strive to maintain a friendly atmosphere and that's exactly what the intended purpose of my clan is.

      "The fact that she leaked a photo of Herf_ and went as far as to make fun of him in such a disgusting manner.."
      The fact that Herf_ went as far as to pay in-game money to a friend of ours (member in Mafia) to find a reason to get back at Rodeen and proceed to post it on the forums to turn the community against her, completing refusing to provide the context in which she said those nasty things, I find to be just as immature, if not more. Once again I ask, do you honestly think what she was was for no apparent reason? She just felt like being mean to someone and out of everyone, she picked Herf_?

      I am not victimizing anyone. Like I stated numerous time throughout the post, I agreed that what she did was wrong. Are you guys seriously that deluded? Rodeen did wrong. What she said was disgusting. It was offensive and rude. I believe that wholeheartedly. She is NOT a victim. But to say or even think that Herf_ didn't do wrong is just as wrong as a claim. Herf_ said some awful things to Rodeen to reciprocate the same sentiments. It was a constant immature feud between the two.

      The fact that even after this situation had ended, she still shows expresses her toxicity publicly??
      First, the situation did end, or so we thought. She said mean things. I said to stop. She did. However, Herf_ went and asked a member of Mafia to show him what she says about him. The news is old to everyone involved. I had no intention of creating this thread, but because of children like yourself who are completely biased, only given specific information from one party, are dumb enough to quickly accept that as truth, without open to hearing the full story, has prompted me to give a clarification for what happened exactly.

      Also, the fact that Herf_ did go about making this issue public shows how immature even he is. Don't get me wrong, I'm not being biased like everyone else. Herf_ is a good friend of mine. It hurts me to see both of them acting very immaturely without either one having taken the initiative to stop. She did feel remorse for making fun of him. This was before anyone outside of Mafia knew. When she apologized to me about how she acted, it didn't even pertain to Herf_. Yes, the person who she insulted was Herf_, but the reason I confronted her was because it wasn't and still isn't right to insult people in general.

      However, when he "exposed" her by posting those screenshots in public, she found it very hard to forgive him. He, as well as her in those screenshots, expressed acts of immaturity. "All she has done is further show her ignorance by making vengeful remarks, such as finding proof against Herf and duplicating the thread.." I do not find this right and I completely agree that this reply to what Herf_ posted is very childish. However, everything she did was justified. He humiliated her and she responded vengefully. Do NOT misinterpret me or take what I said out of context. Yes, how she acted was justified. Was it the right thing to do? Hell no, it wasn't. She could have taken the initiative (and so could have Herf_) to apologize for making fun of him, but instead she chose to respond vengefully. I agree this isn't right and she could have been the better person to end this childish behavior but what everyone needs to understand is that Herf_ is not a victim as well. Rodeen was hurt and humiliated just as much as Herf_ was. She just didn't go about "exposing" Herf_, initially. What everyone knows is only part of the story and it hurts to see the community turned against her because of someone who is just as in fault.

      To conclude, I have already spoken to both parties involved in this childish and disgusting predicament, and things will be resolved later today in a call.

      (Forgive me for any grammatical errors. I didn't take the time to check for any because I wrote this quickly a few minutes prior to class starting. I hope my message is still received lucidly.)
    5. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Well I respect the reply and the thread. Shows your reasonable, unlike most on here.

      - I'm not really directly involved in this mess, trust me. I hate drama, which is pretty common nowadays on Dramaverse. I just wanted to at least state my opinions on the matter, considering I once thought of Rodeen as a true friend of mine. :P

    6. Exponent_

      Exponent_ Active Member

      Dec 28, 2015
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      I agree with you, which is another reason I posted this thread. Clarification is needed so everyone can understand what happened exactly. Also, we are still apart of the community, inherently. We are just more isolated.

      Both Rodeen and Herf_ are my friends. Both were hurt and both are in the wrong. I'm only defending Rodeen in this situation because everyone seems to side with Herf_ when he acted just as immature. I'm apologizing for letting this get out of hand. Since Rodeen is also in my group of friends (aka Mafia), I am specifically apologizing because I could have done something on her behalf to end this issue.
    7. Sound

      Sound Experienced Member

      Nov 8, 2013
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      Drama Drama Drama this server is complete trash now abusive mods @PandaBear__ dunno why Anthony even promoted you tbh.
      That aside apologies don't help anything if she really cared she wouldn't have been ignorant in the first post she did on herfs thread.
    8. Exponent_

      Exponent_ Active Member

      Dec 28, 2015
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      Trust me, I hate this as well. And I feel bad that finding out this information has affected your thoughts on who Rodeen is. Her actions are not exclusive to her. She felt bad initially, but when Herf_ made a huge deal of it, she was infuriated. This is normal behavior from both parties.

      Rodeen is a good person, and so is Herf_. Both are my friends for a reason.

      No one is directly involved except Herf_ and part of Mafia. Everyone thinks they know everything, but I'm here to clarify that the information everyone has received is only part of the paradigm. I'm here to give disclosure on this topic.
    9. Exponent_

      Exponent_ Active Member

      Dec 28, 2015
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      Read what I sent to @Imperialous. I don't feel like repeating myself to blinded uninformed children like yourself.
    10. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Rodeen was a great person, until she changed.
      I don't know about you, but I don't respect people like Rodeen. Smile to your face, then talk bad behind your back. Focused on maintaining a reputation on a Minecraft forums website.

      I respect you for that, though I still think Rodeen should be the one apologizing. Not you on her behalf.
    11. Exponent_

      Exponent_ Active Member

      Dec 28, 2015
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      First, I'm surprised many people don't know me. Whatever, haha.

      I'm not apologizing for her. I'm just apologizing for letting this get out of hand when I know I could have prevented this to begin with proper communication to both Herf_ and Rodeen. She's a work in progress alright. Despite this being a "Minecraft forums website", these are nonetheless real people and I'm trying to help everyone the best that I can. Both in person and online.
    12. Sando3

      Sando3 Tom Holland Premium

      Sep 21, 2015
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      Neither do I see why people cannot look at it from both sides... If any of you were in a similar setting like Rodeen, would you choose to apologise to someone you find unworthy an excuse? And of course Herf is offended by her acts, but this isn't really our buisness guys...

      And Exponent, I really wanted to rate that reply of yours with the "bad spelling", but then I saw the last sentence .-. xD
    13. xen

      xen Well-Known Member

      May 14, 2014
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    14. Sando3

      Sando3 Tom Holland Premium

      Sep 21, 2015
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      If you actually read his messages you would have seen that he didn't do it for HER, but for HIM, because he felt partly responsible for the events.
    15. xen

      xen Well-Known Member

      May 14, 2014
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      if I hadn't read the messages I wouldn't have found those statements and made sure they weren't taken out of context. he's telling y'all what he thinks y'all want to hear so that's why he keeps changing his story.

      if you want this to go away, have rodeen apologize herself. OR, just let it go and have this thread locked.
    16. Exponent_

      Exponent_ Active Member

      Dec 28, 2015
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      Anyone can take what I said out of context. Logical fallacies aren't hard to use. I reiterate once again: I am apologizing on behalf of her because I know I could have prevented this adversity initially.
    17. Alana

      Alana Well-Known Member

      Sep 11, 2015
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      Agreed ^^

    18. xen

      xen Well-Known Member

      May 14, 2014
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      do you mean that only you are apologizing for the incident? because by saying you are apologizing on behalf of her, you are saying that rodeen is the one that is apologizing and you are passing it along. but to our understanding, she is not the one apologizing, you are. so I'm not sure if this statement makes sense.
    19. Arabic Bear

      Arabic Bear Well-Known Member

      Sep 25, 2015
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      I love this thread xD
    20. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      Uhh... I understand what you're saying, but I don't think you should be apologising on behalf of people. If anyone wants to apologise it should be them, and you shouldn't do it on their behalf, as they may not want to apologise, etc...

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