This is a map I made a while back, dont feel like digging for an hour to find the old thread so i'm making a new one. Video: Tell me things I should add / take out!
No support. The volcano would be the map by itself. The surrounding area of the volcano is too flat and bland. You need more variety in blocks. The main map is above ground, but lots of hiding spots are underground. There needs to be more protection for zombies in spawn. This map doesn't seem to suit infection properly for me. I'm picky.
Neutral. The map is nice in itself, but I really hate the fact that the spawnpoint is like the one in Azteca. There needs to be more protection in that area, and there needs to be more detail around the volcano.
I will try to make the floor less flat, also I will be making it more protected for zombies. Thank you for the feedback. I will be working on making it more protected.
Neutral. As stated, the spawn looks like Azteca's. Also as stated, do more terraforming around the volcano. Adding on to this, I think the map needs more color. Its mainly all grey. Other than that, nice work.