Support, if someone takes suicide from a game, thats ridiculous. Also we are overpopulating we need more natural selection
Of course it would. -- Suicide encouragement is a serious thing, people have different personalities, and different states of mind. How do you know someone won't do it. If you encourage suicide, you're breaking the law. Ever heard of the Suicide Legislation or the Suicide Act? They both state that encouraging suicide can be classed as assisted suicide, thus breaking the law. Why should people have a reduced ban if they're the one encouraging suicide. I don't even know why this thread is opened, or being considered by some people. It's suicide people. It's very serious.
Sorry for double posting. Are you suggesting people should commit suicide, because we're over-populating? That's the ridiculous thing.
What do you mean "natural selection"... Please tell me you know that people have different personalities, and take things in differently. For example, someone could tell you to kill yourself, and you take nothing by it. Yet if you ask someone else, they might feel threatened, or offended or upset by it. 1. It's against the server's rules. 2. It's a pathetic thing to do - why would you even encourage someone to kill themselves? 3. I am pretty sure, this would be assisted suicide, which is breaking the law.
This is what I mean. We're literally talking about suicide, literally people killing themselves - and it's a joke to some people.
i have not met anyone yet, that someone told them to suicide online and they did it. this is pathetic
You obviously don't understand the concept people have different personalities. I'll be replying no longer - before this is turned into flaming.
Neutral. I understand what you're saying, however some people are more sensitive than others and may get offended. I believe if someone simply says 'kys' to nobody in particular, maybe they were changing the lyrics to a popular song by Mr. Bieber for example (I'm not reciting a true event ;) ) then maybe the ban could be a bit shorter?
still not acceptable language if someone was screaming 'n word' in the chat but not saying it at a player would you find that fine?
No, I'm just saying if nobody was actually being threatened it's not as serious as an actual threat :P (to be honest I saw this coming hehe)
I did not say it was; If that was the opinion i was trying to state I would be saying it's not ban worthy. I'm just saying that an immature 3-letter comment that isn't necessarily aimed at anyone or anything in particular is a less serious offense than using it in a threatening manner towards somebody. And as one is more serious than the other, they should have consequences that match the level of seriousness. It's just an opinion, and you're entitled to your own too so I respect that :P