So my friend Megxx has been offline for almost a month and has said nothing to any to her friends about leaving. I just was wondering, do you any of you guys know what happened to her? Because I'm scared to the point I'm crying
Not everyone is attention deprived and makes leaving threads. Why are you even concerned about some stranger on the Internet?
Perhaps she isn't some stranger on the internet. Just because that's how everyone appears from your point of view does not mean it's how everyone appears from hers. People can make good friends online, whether or not you want to believe it is up to you.
It doesn´t matter if someone is a stranger or not, people could still have a very close friendship. Maybe does @Infinxty_ care alot about her.
If they were friends I'm sure that Megxx would have told OP what's going on. There's a term for this in dating, but it applies to friends as well. Ghosting: The act of suddenly ceasing all communication with someone the subject is dating, but no longer wishes to date. This is done in hopes that the ghostee will just "get the hint" and leave the subject alone, as opposed to the subject simply telling them he/she is no longer interested. Ghosting is not specific to a certain gender and is closely related to the subject's maturity and communication skills. Many attempt to justify ghosting as a way to cease dating the ghostee without hurting their feelings, but it in fact proves the subject is thinking more of themselves, as ghosting often creates more confusion for the ghostee than if the subject kindly stated how he/she feels. There's a list of things that Megxx could be doing at the moment rather than talking to OP. No need to cry over it. This generation is so overemotional that it's just going to be humorous when World War 3 happens.
There's a list of reasons why Megxx would have to cease communications and I'm honestly not surprised you chose to emphasise"ghosting", given your average post on these forums. Always negative eh? She could be dead, she could be grounded, she could have broken her computer, she could have broken her laptop, she could be sick, she could have lost her internet connection, only a few of the possible reasons as to why she cannot contact OP. You claim this generation is "overemotional" but maybe you're just "under emotional"?
All my posts are high-quality. As a God, you should expect no less. I bring my high intelligence and quality posts to these forums and never get thanked for it. Feelsbadman. I don't forge 'friendships' with random people on the internet. I couldn't care less about anyone I have ever spoken to. None of it effects me so I don't care.
Whilst you do bring grammatically sound posts to these forums, you tend to look at the negative side of things wherever possible. Nor do I, I have to get to know them first, so that they are no longer random people. I know that is not true, and so do you. None of what effects you?
@Zambiana Maybe I'm worried about her because we know each other in real life from school and we can't contact since school is out.
Me and Megxx know each other in real life from school bus rides. We cant contact each other because school is out
Meow, I am sure she's fine, I think she might be taking a break from Minecraft, as school is ending. Also guys, this isn't a place for a flame war (not that there is a place for flame wars). Even if @Infinxty_ was seeking attention, don't start a war on the thread, as you are breaking rules.
You are constantly calling the OP an attention seeker which is obviously going to lead to a flame war. Is it so hard to leave the thread if you have nothing useful to say?
look at her other posts. Everyone knows she is attention seeking. I have stated my point and people wanted to argue about it.