Honestly, I couldn't stay away for more than one week I did all I could and got all my grades to a passing grade I had 3 F's and now look at me :p I don't have a 7th Period. :p 5th Period is Seminary, so I don't receive a grade on that. It's true, right before I left, I tried to make myself be hated by people here and there:( I didn't want them to miss me because I thought I would be gone for a longer time. Yes, I joined another forums, but it didn't really work out. My sister was here in the time being, and she will still be active. She seems to be hated by a few people but it's fine. It's just her way of doing stuff? I don't know A lot of you thought My sister was just an excuse for me to make an alternate account. That's not the case at all! She actually registered because I pleaded her too so she could keep me up on the "Forums Gossip" :p Just to clear it up, "Katy Hudson" is not an alternate account of mine. All in all, I just want to say I'm back I still have Personal problems to deal with, but I feel like these forums are part of my medicine:rolleyes: I'll be active from now on :lol: EDIT: If anyone is still mad at me for what has happened or if you think in lying, I don't care :p no hard feelings.