Since I don't know you ill say neutral. Its your own choice. if you quit We will miss you bye dude (ᵔᴥᵔ)
Its a girl actually, and We will help here against this person whose threatening her every step of the way.
I dont care if people call me ''dude'' xD I can everyone in my family ''Dude'' because I can't be bothered to say ''Mom'' ''Dad'' or ''Alex''
Look Infinxty_ we always have your back but I will need that person's minecraft name incase they come back to mineverse.
You shouldn't leave; :( Just ignore the jealous haters, don't listen to them and move on to better, happy times on MV. ;) Forget all the hard times and tough trolls; these memories aren't needed.
I got good news for you. I just reported LamoidZombieDog to one of the best mods I know and that is Ex go show him the article by posting it on his forums account.
You don't use a capital letter after a comma unless it's a name. Also, for our sanity, keep your attention seeking to Facebook and Tumblr. For reference:
For someone so boisterous about others "seeking attention", you do sure make an effort to be heard and seek out all threads like these. How about ignore the posts.