Okay, so I was on OpPrison and I noticed how non donors have 1 playervault and I have donated $100 and I also only have 1 playervault. I don't understand why players who have not supported the server get the same amount of playervaults as a God rank who has donated $100. Also you guys should add /craft to God rank. It's a simple command that doesn't effect much it just makes it easier :P oh and also you guys should add /block and give all players access to /pstoggle I believe that's the command. What it does is disable the notifications when you get sold to in the shop. It just helps reduce spam that's all.
Well there's not much difference. On KitPvP non donors have 0 playervaults but donors get 2, so what's the difference?
Agreed, this will make complying with EULA harder. So neutral for now, since not much is revealed about what's going on with the EULA and Mineverse. Basically ^ is where I stand.