So if you guys haven't seen the thread I posted already and I haven't reported them yet. I got death threatened, hacked, and threatened for someone to send out my address to everyone on this server and more. Hes tweeting it for what hes told me. He got me to the point where I started crying and I can't stand this anymore. I might quit, Its been a rough journey in my life that I have yet to live but I just can't handle whats happening. I will make a new thread June 8th (A day before my b-day) saying if I quit or not. I might just simply take a break too.
Aha, I get where you're coming from and all, trying to protect yourself. I've been DoXed 5 times before :') Anyways, you shouldn't really quit because of this.. But, it's your choice, not ours.
If he does send out my address though, I'm grounded for a month if I'm lucky and I loose my computer for life
Maybe just take a break then come back, that's what I did. It did a great help to me, and I think it will for you. Anyway, it's up to you, and you know your situation the best.
I'll help her. I'm pm you. ;) Also Meow, if you feel that its safer to quit, I understand, even though the Teddy Bear Sanctuary will miss you. :(
I'm sorry, but threads like these are unnecessary. They do nothing to solve the problem, if you have reported them, all that could be done is being done. I wish you luck with getting through this, don't get me wrong. I just think this thread is pointless since you said yourself you aren't quitting for sure and you already reported him. Anyways, good luck. Just wanted to give my input.
Just ignore it. Getting doxed isn't the end of your life, not like they'll do anything knowing your address. Message me if you want to talk about it.
I understand that, but if that does happen I have nothing to do because I get most books I read off here (Because my mom has childish books that she thinks I read) and if my computer does get took away, then I will just be bored till I can go buy books from book stores which is never .-.
Honestly whats so precious about your real name? You tell everyone in real life, they see your face aswell. If you just accept your self the person who is targeting you will have one less bargaining chip. Death threats are meaningless don't let them get to you, as for your address anyone who uses the internet to bully you will be a coward in real life, who cares where you live. As for Ddos ask your ISP to change your Ip and the get a VPN. Ez.
I've gotten doxed, ddosed, hacked, lost my acc. for 2 months before mojang could get it back, and i'm still here just ignore everyone and have a good time!
Just ignore the people that've been rude to you, change your in-game name and password and just ignore everyone. You're just a 9 year old girl, you should make fun instead of crying because of people that thinks they're funny.. I've been in situations like this alot too, but I just ignore them, got some friends to make fun with and everything got good. If you do all those things, it might stop. But please don't quit.
Heh best to take a little one month break from mineverse and report that person IMITATLY to the higher ups but what is his/her name anyways so they cant do it again. Type me a message on my profile so I can remember the name.
Breaks are good, I definitely wouldn't quit though. It's your choice, but sometimes a little break can help ^-^