Hey i was thinking we could have a YouTube video introduction under the introduction forum! The people would only be able to post mineverse videos on the forum or possibly a 5 day forum ban after a warning maybe. Also it would be a great way for the people who help mineverse get more players to also get more views themselves! I personally would like to post here and i'm sure the factions, OP Factions, Infection, etc. YouTubers would like to also! I know all the other forums have it but its a GOOD idea! Please leave any ideas that can change this, and if you say "No Support" Please give a reason!
first, i dont understand why theres player introductions, and second, maybe a subsection in it or mix it into the player introduction
There is a player introduction section so people can introduce themselves to the community and make friends, and you can always link your YouTube into your introduction. I don't see the harm in adding this but again, I don't see the point.