First of all, credits to @RandomNinja14 to bring this up, and @Exstatisfy for reminding me that this exists. :> Let's start, I think. It all started at grade 4 (in my country, I don't know what it is in the other countries), I got to know that my dad was gay - I knew it for a longer time, but I thought it was just normal - I got bullied for a very long time, and it was a very horrible time. As long as I remember, I got bullied since I was 9, till 13 (So 1 year ago it has stopped). It all started in Humanity class, we were talking about Homosexuality, and my teacher said it all was just normal. So I stand up and said my dad was gay, my teacher though I was just kidding and making jokes about gays, so I had to go to the school head and I had to tell why I was making 'jokes' about gays. I was being very true and they did not believe me. 1 day after that it all actually happened; when I entered school, everyone of my class was looking at me and grinning. I actually didn't feel safe, someone did came to me and told me "If your dad is gay, you must be gay too, well atleast you look like one". I was very shocked about this. When I got home and had to sleep, I was crying alot and couldn't sleep at all. The next year, I couldn't handle this and got depressions, I thought I better could tell my parents about this, that sorta work, but not at all. They said that if this keeps on going, I would change from school. But I said I wanted to change from school instantly, but they rejected that, sadly. So the bullying keep on going on, so I moved from school AND country; I moved from The Netherlands to Belgium, that have really worked, for 4 months untill I got a girlfriend. After Some weeks, I was trusting her and told her the thing about my dad. A month or 3-4 later, she broke up and decided to bully me, it was horrible. I never had to trust her, that "slut". When I was in first year of highschool, there was someone in my class, a bullier of before, I was hoping that he didn't remember me, but my hope failed. He remembered me and started it again. Months and months of bullying keeps coming, till there was a teacher that 100% hates bulliers, so after school I asked for him and told him about this all. He told me to go to the school head and that he would solve this problem. That absolutely helped alot - That's the job of being a school head though - The kid was moved to another school and now I don't get bullied anymore, for now. Like @RandomNinja14 said in her thread, please watch what you say, mostly when it is a family-secret. I don't want you all to have pity with me, just watch out. Your sirencly, Levis
An inspiring story, you were outstandingly brave to put up with the bullying. I hope that this bullying or insulting never occurs again. People judged homosexuality because they think it is different, what they don't know is that the feeling is from birth. Your bottom paragraph is very true
I am sorry that you went through that. Being bullied is horrid and something that will always stick with you. The only good thing I got out of it is that it made me the person I am today and caused me to be more caring and thoughtful. I hope everything works out and settles for you. If you ever need anything or want to talk you can always message me.
This must have been really hard, you are really brave for posting this. Good luck man! Hope good fortune comes to you. :P
Thank you, Sanity, and it have been very hard for me yes, and for other people that get (cyber)bullied too.
This is so sad! How cruel can humanity get? That was a stupid question... Anyways, that was very brave of you, I feel ashamed I didn't find this thread earlier, I feel terrible now that I've seen this... You really don't deserve that. I still don't get why people judge others because they're gay... It's perfectly normal! I don't believe it should matter who you love, it matters IF you love, that's what makes you normal. People who call gay people monsters are the monsters themselves because they can't accept. I wish you the best of luck! I really hope you don't meet any other backstabbers like that during the rest of your life. But... I do have one enquiry... Does that mean you were adopted? Or is it possible that it was something else? Maybe before your dad accepted it? I don't mean to be rude... Just asking. :lurk: I'll always support you! I'll help you as well as @RandomNinja14.
Trying not to be a hater or bring you down. More or less, realistic. This is a block game forums. Edit - would you like some sympathy from us? I get that it takes courage to post this, but there are other places to talk about things like this.. It's humanity as it is. You can't really expect not to be harassed at least once in your life. Cool, I guess?
So? He has many friends on these forums, your post is irrelevant to the topic and it probably took Levis a lot of courage to make this thread and this is what you come out with, if I were him I would not be pleased that the first thing people mention is that it's a gaming forums.
Soon or Late, every bully is punished. I know it. It happened to me too 2 years ago, I was bullied by someone at school for 6 months, but after, I had enough and told the Principal at school and he was punished, then I changed of School. ;) Our stories are pretty similar
I was really young, and there was this annoying kid, and I got so annoyed of him pinching and pulling my hair continuously that I pulled the door out of a little plastic playhouse next to me and pushed him with it... :stoned: