So recently I came across a tv programme I used to watch as a toddler which was very... interesting, but I was wondering what tv shows did you love as a child? Feel free to post videos, pictures or just a list :D And if you were wondering what wonderful programme it was, then here's an episode :P
I watched Peppa Pig, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Tellytubbies, Me Too, Planet Ajay, Mona the Vampire, Nina and the Neurons and Spongebob.
OOH I forgot about Bear Behaving Badly, that show with Mr Tumble I don't remember the name, Sooty and The Cramp Twins!!!
-blue's clues -wonderpets lol -teletubbies -hey Arnold -rugrats -spongebob ofc -chalkzone -fresh prince of bel air -bill nye the science guy -the magic school bus -that 70s show (still watch it tbh) -the nanny -dragon tales -does anyone remember mr meaty?? sh--s terrifying -the amanda show -drake and josh -hannah montana -suite life of zack n cody like if you agree
-In the night garden -Teletubies -Play school -Bob the builder -Rory the racing car - THE OLD BANANAS IN PAJAMAS WHERE IT WASN'T ANIMATED! (I have the old version on disk I am so proud :3) -Sesame street <3 Play school was the best though :p
Yes! The new bananas in pyjamas is scary o_o And don't even get me started on the new bob the builder...