Introduction: Welcome to my re-staff application for Mineverse, my name's Andrew also known as TypicalTryhard in-game and here on the forums of course. I'm an ex-mod and friendly user towards this community. This is my fifth official staff application and I hope for it to be the last. During the times I was mod, I did make a few mistakes which I'll get into. I was demoted from this amazing staff team for three main reasons; Adding staff members to Skype calls(leaking their Skype), I wrongly muted people occasionally, and locked and archived someone's moderator application that I shouldn't have, I'm sorry @Maxamul for doing so and sorry to the whole community for letting you down. I also need to make a personal apology to @Pile after being demoted I said some pretty rude things to you that I shouldn't have and regret doing so, I'm sorry Pile and to everyone in the community once again. In-game name: TypicalTryhard What timezone are you in? Pacific Standard Time What country do you live in? United States of America What language do you speak? English Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes/No Yes, due to being hacked I always make sure I'm secure now to longer passwords, logging out, no one having access to my computer, etc. Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? Yes, I use F.R.A.P.S to record hackers and the original (Fn+F2) feature, as I have over 400+ reports. Why do you think you should become a mod? I think I should become a moderator for Mineverse because I've been a part of this community around 7-8 months now and I've been a huge friend to the community and good in bad ways. I have a little over four hundred reports and I'm a big help to the community by reporting people. I know all the rules to the server since I've been a mod and I've also looked through all the rules many times. I've never been banned, muted, or kicked before unless it was the time I got hacked which was really unfortunate. I wish to help this community again as many of my friends have wanted me to re-apply but this isn't the only reason I'm applying, I've wanted to become staff again for awhile now. As I said, I've made mistakes but I have been forgiven, hopefully. Friendly: I'm a very friendly player towards the community, if you're friendly to me, I'm friendly to you. If you're rude to me, I'll most likely report and never be unfriendly/disrespect you. Returning the favor I guess. Active: I'm very active both in-game and on the forums constantly reporting players, meeting new people, and helping everyone out in the community to the best of my abilities. Reports: I have over four-hundred reports and I'm constantly trying to report hackers and other rule breakers of the community. I don't only report them to help out the server and get reports in but I also do it so I can get the satisfactory of getting someone banned since It's quite annoying when someone needs to hack to play the game and win. Respectful: I'm very respectful in-game and on the forums unless it has been times I've made mistakes, as I said I'm sorry for these mistakes that were made. How long can you be active on the server everyday? In-Game: Sunday: 3-5 Monday: 4-6 Tuesday: 3-5 Wednesday: 6-7 Thursday: 3-5 Friday: 8-9 Saturday: 8-9 How long have you been playing Mineverse? I've been apart of this community since April of 2015. If it comes to forums I've been here since October 26th Have you ever been banned in the past? Ban: I was banned from request since I was hacked, I later regained access to all of my accounts and requested Pile to change my forums information and now I'm back. Ban: Banned in-game due to being hacked as said above. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Mineverse (400+ Players) Global Moderator / Forums Moderator I moderated Mineverse from February 27th - March 15th due to being demoted. As I said, I'm sorry for all the mistakes I made as a staff member and I sincerely ask for another shot as a helping, kind, and respectful moderator. Thanks! Do you meet the requirements for staff? Yes/No Yes, I meet all the requirements of becoming a staff member for Mineverse. I have 50+ posts, been here over two weeks, and have 2FA enabled. Conclusion Thanks for taking the time to read my fifth and I hope final staff application for our wonderful server. I've made mistakes in the past and I've apologized many times throughout my journey and I keep making mistakes, I plan and hope to stop disrespecting, being rude, etc. Again, thanks for supporting me if you do so. If you're to give me a neutral, no support, or support please give me the reason(s) why you're supporting, no supporting, or giving me a neutral on my fifth and hopefully final moderator application for Mineverse, thanks!
I'll probably support you later, but neutral for now. Reason: I know this is old, but still. You added me into a call that got me DoXed, kind of hard to put behind.
1st and Support, You seem genuine about changing and I forgive you. I'm sure you would make an excellent Moderator, EDIT: UGH
I respect your decision Tads, thanks for the feedback! Thanks, Max! Thanks, Ily <3 Thanks, Sean I appreciate your support! I fixed what you quoted :o :P Thanks, I appreciate your continued support!
Thanks, I appreciate your support, I love this image :P I know your reasons, due to us getting into an argument over Denise, I hope I can get your support in the future and for us to be friends!
I JUST HIGHLIGHTED IT, thanks for your support bae <3 I know, I know :p Thanks for your support, I'll try my best! @Bailxy I see you've rated my post support, any particular reasons?
I've been waiting for this!! Support ofc. Reasons: -EXTREMELY active -Friendly + Kind to the community -Contributes suggestions and feedback a lot I support you even if you made all those mistakes. It is clear that you are responsible, though and I hope you get this position <3
I support you so much, you are very mature when you want to be but most of the time you are a crazy goofball! Who cares about being a goofball you're an amazing person in general and I think you would make an excellent moderator. But please, dont close this application if you come across a mistake that you may make in the future! Keep this up for the long run, I believe in you! Make Rodeenie the Weenie proud!