Hello today I am here to suggest a new command /ping, this command would allow us to know our ping without having to disconnect the server and that would be very usefull because lotta people ask me whats my ping and I never know the right answer. Command: /ping [player] - get your (or somebody's) ping! Permission: PingPlayer.use - allows you to use the command. Plugin site: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/ping-player/
It's not really needed. But, you know how sometimes servers have these "boards" that would show your status like; your money, health etc. That's what I'm thinking about having, with your ping on the "board" as well, support though.
No support: You can never make an accurate /ping plugin. Never. You may say: "well people have done it in the past". No, you are wrong. It is always inaccurate. This is because: minecraft sends the wrong type of packet, minecraft clients determine ping, etc Therefore, you would either need to download a mod that tells you your ping and other things such as the 5zig Mod, or just manually do it yourself. On top of that, a client can spoof their ping. For example: 'o ye my ping is -17 ms, ok server?' server says 'ok, that's fine' Overall, it never works out and it never will. PS: Do not try to contradict me unless you can prove that there is an accurate /ping plugin, which there never will be. Trust me, I am a Java developer. It simply never works and it never well. Also, do not contradict me without knowledge of coding / mc mechanics; since it's a waste of your time + you're embarrassing yourself.