Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Teuw, May 26, 2016.
Going Offline, i'll be back on as soon as possible to give more pictures.
IGN : RebornWolf Text : Greetings peasant! Do you want fog? (yes/no) Yes
@Reborn http://imgur.com/cbY6XXj
That skin isn't me.. ;( My IGN is RebornWolf, put in the caps.
@Reborn http://imgur.com/uPp7pAm srry for the long wait
Omg I'm tilting It suits my phrase perfectly tyyy
np lol
IGN Momedy Text Momedy Do you want fog? (yes/no) Yes
so do you want it to say. Momedy Momedy
Just one Momedy
So no text just IGN
@Momedy http://imgur.com/ThCxocg