The arrows were given a cool down for a reason: they were too op, you could shoot someone with a bunch of them until they die. No support.
They have no cool down, they are disabled and they really werent too overpowered all it did was stop people from running and actually made it to where people cant run and live, makes the game not as fun. Tbh i loved seeing how close people could get to killing me, its still pretty easy to get away from but not super easy like without freeze.. Another HUGE reason that i forgot is Pvp Logging... Freeze u have them in one spot and its harder for them to pvp log, but when you're shooting at them they can enderpearl and wait 3 seconds then pvp log, Which is why i made this thread.
Some of us dont have the time to set up our recording system when someone is trying to kill us with a axe... I try to use them and they dont work for me, i really dont care if someone uses hacks on me i can run some of my friends cant and need my help, without spatastic or freeze i cant get them away. Imma redo this thread about Axes obviously people dont like freeze.. Why i quit xD
Well... Think about it. we use pp4 so all it really is is melee vs normal diamond armor since projectile is ONLY for bows. and hackers can use speed and you cant shoot them and you can die that way... and yeah 'Archer'pvp :P thanks