Blah blah something of an intro. Could the requirements for a cover photo be lowered? I understand how it may seem like you have to work for it, but some of the known figures who have been around for a while can't have one yet. Ideas: 100 likes 500 messages (or lower, comment ideas below)
Neutral, the message count you put is good, but I think the person should get more likes in order to get one
Support. Granted I am close to the requirements I have been around for almost 2 years now and still have not hit them. My posts often go without rating unless I make a large thread of importance on something; people know who I am around here but I still keep to myself. Some of the people who already have one created their accounts at the beginning of 2016, and have over double the messages and likes I have. Which is honestly unreal to me that someone could be unknown and accomplish that. I think 100 likes or 250 positives (all positive ratings) is still something to work for. It's a picture and you shouldn't have to slave away on the forums trying to get it.
I think the post requirement is fine the way it is, but the likes should be lower and switched to positives. Support for a change anyhow
I like the 100 likes one but i don't agree with the 500 post count its relatively easy to get 750 messages and it shows dedication.
support, esp bout the likes part bc its rarer to get ratings on posts unless you make threads yourself regularly plus its just a picture, i dont think there needs to be such high requirements in order to get it
Agreed. Something like that. Nope. 300 messages may seem a bit much on the lowering side :P Agreed. I think around 150-200 likes is pretty reasonable.
Changed back to 100 likes, keeping the message count how it is. For those of you who claim it's easy, You're the ones spamming threads and got the messages by spamming. Take a moment to recognize how long it takes everyone else. Thanks.