So I decided to make an Anime reccomendation thread. I doubt this will actually gain traction but ill do my best. All you need to let me know is three things Favorite genre Favorite current anime What you're looking for This is your chance to ask a professional weeb!!1¡
Favourite genre: Action/Comedy Favourite current anime: Seraph of the end/Akame ga Kill What I'm looking for: Anything, just needs swords, fighting and SHIPS!
• Favorite Genre: Action • Favorite Current Anime: FMA:B • What you're looking for: Good fights and plot, with hidden secrets or something
Favorite Genre: Mecha/Romance/Horror/Magic Favorite Current Anime: Honestly can't choose one. Here are a few I've watched. Spoiler Plastic Memories Sword Art Online My Little Monster Death Parade Nisekoi Noragami Aldnoah.Zero No Game No Life Charlotte Absolute Duo Toradora Tokyo Ghoul Your Lie In April Sankarea Free! Fate Stay Night Black Butler Vampire Knight Nana Fairy Tale Death Note Attack On Titan Soul Eater Watamote U Beyond the Boundary The Devil is a Part-Timer Blue Exorcist Deadman Wonderland Noragami Rakudai Kishi No Cavalry Kekkai Sesen Gakusen Toshi Arterisk Hibikee Uphonium Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon? Spirited Away Your neighbor Toronto Aldnoah Zero Season two The Future Diary Diabolik Lovers Yona Of the Dawn Nerawareta Gakusen Nagi No asukara Amagi Brilliant Park Gekkan Shoujo onazki kun Overlord Erased Strike the blood School Days Hai To Gensou No Grimgar What you're looking for: A new series or movie? Note; can't stand an anime with a bad animation.
Favorite genre: Thriller/mystery/gore Favorite current anime: The Future Diary What you're looking for: Something that makes me think and put pieces together as I go along.
I love all sorts of anime but mostly ones with action and gore and I also like it if it has some comedy. I've watched a crap ton of anime before so just let me know some titles and I'll respond. Currently watching: AJIN: Demi-Human [Anime series on netflix and it's actually really good]
One punch man or Boku no hero academa Try one piece. It's honestly not as bad as people make it out to be. It's hilarious and has a decent plotline. It exceeds in the action department. Try a new genre. Try Erased. It is a story about a guy who can travel back in time and he has to stop the killing of 3 kids in order to save himself. I personally found the murderer to be quite obvious and the story a little cliché, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. It was my favorite from the winter season, simply because most of the winter season wasn't too fantastic. Food wars. It has all the food porn you could ever desire ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) If you want a funny one I'd reccomend One Punch Man, it has great animation and it's fight scenes are exemplary. Hmm. If you want a Mecha, try code geass, it is easily the best Mecha. If you want a shoujo, try Maid-Sama. It is kinda cliché but I loved it. Another romance would be golden time. Im not too into horror, so you've seen evrrything thay I know in the genre. If you want romance/magic try the Familiar of Zero. Definatly erased. Fill out the template. Try attack on titan or The seven deadly sins
Favourite genre: comedy/romance OR horror Favourite current anime: Clannad / Corpse Party What you're looking for: Something horrific :D
Favorite genre Action, Comedy, Adventure, some love I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Favorite current anime Tbh I don't really have any fav's, as I haven't watched anime in forever. What you're looking for Something with some fighting and action, but a tinge of love into the mix.