No support. • Add more information and detail, color, etc to your application. • You have been active on mineverse for 1 month. • Maybe look at other applications and get some ideas. But don't copy Good luck.
No support, add more information & be active. Update your application, plus you haven't been seen in nearly 3 years.
No support. You do not meet the requirements to be/apply for staff: 50 Post Count Two Factor Authentication - Click here to set up 2FA. 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums Moderators are required to have Skype or Teamspeak 3 for offline communication. The application/ther reasons for no support: Not enough detail, add more detail Grammar...Please be gramatically correct and professional on your application, you are applying to be part of the staff so it needs to be more professional Add more color or different fonts. Add something to make your application stand out from others. You are trying to convince people you are worthy for staff. This application looks like it may have taken a few minutes to write, look at accepted applications to see what yours should look like. (I will warn you not to copy other people's applications though.) Never seen you in-game Become more active on forums (you are a new member) Be more active across multiple game modes on Mineverse Good luck though.