What do you mean, and how do you expect the staff to get it back for you? There is virtually no way in getting lost items back for you, as staff are not allowed and cannot do that for you. Would you like a Moderator to lock this for you?
Don't worry about this @4zup is just selfish and only cares about himself. Btw don't trust him with any of your information. I found that out the hard way
What was the point of this? Like @Andrewswj said, staff can't give lost items back. A moderator's job is to moderate the server, not give lost items back. Would you like a moderator to close this thread?
This is off topic. Also please don't talk rudely about another person, even if they are mean or selfish. This could start a flame war.
Thread locked on request. If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it. Kind regards, The Staff