If you'd like to know who stalks your page without you knowing, take a look at this add-on. It will show up on profiles on who visited last. You can also set how many show up, eliminate who shows up, and users will receive an alert when their profile is viewed. https://brivium.com/resources/latest-profile-viewers.229/ Thank you.
This is great alot of people stalk my Profile page but i also think be able to enable it on certain threads would be cool to. Support.
I would like it but at the same time I don't. Maybe it doesn't bother me now here because I am no longer staff but sometimes to avoid drama I would prefer to not let people see me on profiles. If a mod looks at a profile it may get players defensive, or something like that. I think it is better if we dont see who views our profiles unless it can be done with anonymity (like showing profile views number rather than who viewed.)