Please make it grave digging if you reply to Mod apps that haven't been replied to in 2 months+. People are going to the back page and bumping apps of players who haven't been on for over 2 years! This can get really annoying, because I click on it, wanting to leave my input, but there's no point because they don't play anymore. I also see it as post-farming, in a way. Thank you. Please leave your vote in the poll so I can see how many supports/no supports/neutrals this gets.
Support, if players cannot bump their thread within two months they lack effort to become a moderator.
Changing to Support, just realized Terrick's application was 2 years ago almost and is still being replied to, by me as well Oops
I think 2 months and only the thread creator can bump it is fair or just auto archive them after 2 months or maybe even 1 month, a lack of posting for 1 month shows no interest in becoming a moderator
Full Support i see these mod apps were someone hasn't commented on them in 3 months but then someone decides to comment on it when the person doesn't play anymore.