My in-game name - DinoDucky Are you team with anyone in this Clan? - Yes, everyone accept Quad (I don't know them) HydroHD (He never teamed with me) ClubOG (I don't know them)
How ironic and projective of you to put down other people's clans/groups in their own thread in an attempt to make yourself feel better. Adding to that effect is the idea that you wanted to join Mafia initially, were denied, and now we find you dissing our clan here. It's rather upsetting, yet to be expected from you, Fadings. I knew I made a right decision in denying your application. At the same time Herf, along with other members of this developing clan, I apologize on behalf on this kid as he was a close friend of mine although we cease to associate nowadays. I did not intend nor direct this kid to spew such nonsense.
I see that many of your members don't like our clan for whatever reason. I don't dictate the actions of my friends, but if you guys want to have a clan fight, we will gladly do so on Kohi/Badlion. I see so many kids here (aside from yourself buddy) talking trash yet I hardly see any of these kids represent their friends/clan/groups. Let's have some fun and PvP. Message me on Skype if you're down.
You haven't filled the template; In-game name (Already have that) Are you teamed with any members in the team, if so list them.
IGN: Xethorias (Http_Heather) Are you teamed with some / all of the players in the clan? If so name them: Herf, Lagging_Issue