Noobcrew and Collin were both friends. Collin, as he mentioned in his thread, didn't want to transfer the server to some random guy. It also happened that Noobcrew has also requested to purchase the network. Noobcrew, as you should know created mineverse and So instead of just commenting 'terrible', you should just sit back and watch how Noobcrew handles the server.
Previously the lobby was a floating platform made out of stone bricks. It's pretty much like a nonagon(correct me if I'm wrong). So around the lobby, you would see many structures like huge dragons (i think there's 3 of them) as well as a little floating mountain and a house quite some distance away. Btw, there is no generated land around the lobby and its basically floating just above the void.
I like most of the people there, its just the cancer like satoru and david just make that community total .
I think you'll be kicked by console for flying hacks. On Infection, it's not allowed to fly at all, even if you can somehow bypass console. It's unfair if you're a human and are flying above the zombies, unreachable.
Yes he is. He bought it from the owner and is looking to get it back going again for the minetime community.
There is a difference between not being able to control someone or something and having something in the rules. A command called /ban solves every problem, if the original owner of Minetime (Collin) didn't wish to allow hacks he would of done so. But instead he made a unique server that allows the use of hacked clients. Rather than being another boring old server which are now countless with the same game modes. Really you should be grateful of such a change... I logged online to your server and within minutes I saw 3 users hacking. By Minetime being brought in it will remove the majority of your hackers therefor making it more enjoyable for you. You don't have to worry on Minetime's behalf seems as most of our clients are much more advanced than those "trying to get cheap easy gear" it will be much harder for them.