Hello I have realized that pets are allowed in warzone and I totally disagree, I think pets should be allowed at spawn and in safe zones but not warzone for 2 reasons. 1. They are very distracting, sometimes when I am bowing I tend to think the pets are the people then I die because of the player having more hits on me. 2. Players can hide behind there pet and tp to spawn this has happened to me when I was trying to bow someone at the corner of a mountain his pet took all the hits and he tped out quickly. Thanks for reading! Post your opinion in the poll below have a good day! -Huskayy @Exstatisfy @Noobcrew @SanjiCraft @Apocalypses @AgentBigToe @Vanishment
There is a "Pet Hiding" rule but It's not really enforced/reported often.I agree with this because having pets whist PvPing is very distracting and unfair.. ~ Support ~
Thanks, I'm not very fimilar with all the rules so I didn't know that. Sorry and thanks for the comment
No problem, if you check the rules It's not a rule to pvp with them just "hide/block hits whilst in a small space/place"
Yeah i only made this because someone loot jacked pp4 and tped away hiding behind there pet, I got really mad. Thanks for the support
Support if possible. Sometimes players have pets such as a chicken, or a squid. Which at first might seem fine, and to them they think it poses no problem. But the issue is that the hitbox for a smaller animal isn't directly in/on the animal. Meaning that even if I shoot slightly above the animal to hit the player, my arrow will still be blocked even if the player didn't intentionally do this.