Things do get better. Though, you don't know who I am, I am happy that you've managed to stay strong till now. School is a terrible place for a lot of people. More specifically socialising. Social Anxiety hits hard with a lot of people, but you've managed to push through. That's awesome of you to have done and I can see that you are happy with what you have as of now. Keep happy, don't stress and things will turn out for the best.
This is laughable as things do not get better, period. They may have worked out for you – and that’s great, I’m not denying it – but it doesn’t mean that everyone else will suddenly fix their issues. Depression is a lifelong battle that will win in the end. It wins the moment that suicidal thoughts cross your mind because you contemplate it and think that it’s a good idea. You’re giving people false hope, which is worse than comparing depression to starving children in Africa and saying that you have nothing to be sad over. The best advice is that everything has a silver lining. The only advice is to just give it time and see how it goes, not that it will get better because if it doesn’t then you just crushed someone. I’m surprised that a moderator made such a controversial topic and that it wasn’t locked ages ago.
I totally agree with you, it takes time to have things like this to go away. This story was in a span of nearly 4 years, and my depression still continues, but it's better than it was before. That was sort of my point, that things get better. I guess maybe I should edit it to say it might not completely go away, but things do get better to a certain extent. Whether that happiness be a year, or even an hour, things get better at some point. Now it was a very hard decision for me to post this, because I knew as well it was a very controversial topic, but I took the chance.
I'd like to see that people that have passed through bad times, still feel good. (I think you do, though)
I know that it must've taken a lot to be able to be so open and post this here, given that there are a lot of judgmental people out there. I enjoyed hearing about your story, and I'm really glad that things began to improve for you. Hopefully things will continue to get better, and I hope for the best for you.
I <3 you , I have a lot of history with friends that suffer from depression and it's always inspiring when they make it out of those bad times, and start to become proud of themselves and more positive never quit always fight, I don't normally tell people this but I get depressed a lot too and the reason to it is because my sister has a tumor in her cheek and really bad hearing, it saddens me to see not just a 7 year old like that but it's my sister and I love her to death, but I always stay positive and make sure she looks up to me as a role model. <3