Update/Bump: I've added more tips around the island about gold being in middle on windmill and stuff like that.
No Support Reasons: Not up to current Mineverse building standards Parkour doesn't flow Way way to many signs, people are ment to learn on the way.
Are you serious? Look at the current bedwars lobby, total upgrade, parkour is there for fun if parkour is such a problem go to /parkour, and signs are help to give tips to new players because honestly people don't help others and instead troll them to type /op or something. Thanks I guess.. But in my opinion those reasons don't make much sense into no support.
The current minigames lobby is much better quality than yours. "total upgrade" pfft you're a funny one. These are perfectly good reasons for me to no support thankyou very much. I don't want Mineverse looking like 2012 Minecraft.
It's my job on another server to judge builds, so far I have only 'Supported' one build on here and they weren't a friends.
not everyone is perfect builders. I understand that the map may have issues and that you are entitled to your own opinions and ect. I just don't see why you're being so harsh.
How exactly is the current one better quality? Not questioning your build sense, just want to know. Learn along the way...well, is there a downside to them learning part of it? They learn strategies and skills along the way, but the basics should be taught quickly. You don't want people going "how do I trade" or "TEH ITEM ISN'T SHOWING". Sure there are messages at the beginning that say that but not everyone pays attention. Would it really hurt to have help signs?
I'm 100% sure Rythen built the current Bedwars/Minigames lobby. Rythen is bae. The current one looks better, the parkour is alot more suttle and the design behind it is unique unlike the one presented here.
I don't understand how you judge builds lol, this is pretty cool to everyone else, you're the only one who dislikes it, not to mention you don't even play bedwars anymore.