So I have come back on for a little bit (to mineverse) just to take a look. So of course my first stop is hellblock being the server I like the most. I noticed 1 or 2 changes. 1 being that now you can kill things in /warp mob and /warp animal, and two that the spawn there as been improved from what it was. But still things are still EXACTLY the same as how they were Key Issues Mob Arena is still broken and the area is still the original one /Warp Animal has a bunch of angry wolves wanting to kill you Not watched by any staff at any time is seems (I played for a while and had multiple spammers and not staff was ever online Shop is messed up in a lot of ways. Iron is sold at too high or a price. As well as no new items have been added in a year Not even the owners have been on it in forever Its just not good at all So people might see these as good or bad point, Agree or Disagree, than also see reasons to close the server. But there are many solutions to this issue. Solutions Just have a person who can be a admin or builder of this server. I feel like there are a lot of other people who would love to help out this server. It needs more attention. When moderators are just global, they look at only the big servers and don't look at this one. KEY SOLUTION Up date the shop and mob arena a lot. I had a design for one that I gave to Nanurz, he said he would try to get it in when they fixed it. Its been 1 year! I haven't seen new improvements. This is just my thoughts. Tell me what ya think if ya want below. Just hear me out a little. Get some specialized people on this server.
I support everything else but having moderators persifically moderate hellblock seeing how if you have any spammers or rule breakers you can report then but if you don't know how to report just use /staff and find any online staff members click on their head then you will be teleported to the gamemode they are playing then you just msg them what is going on and when their down with what they were dealing with before they will join and stay for a while to make sure no one is offending the rules.