Well I wont get any support as always and I don't know if Mineverse already has a offline ban system or whatever the heck you call it but still. So I was on oppvp and i saw some guy using bhop/speed hack. I was lucky and there was a mod online but then the hacker saw that there was a mod watching him and he quickly logged off. Then like 3 hours later i saw the hacker again. The tempban is minimum 1 month? So what i mean is there are ban pluggins that can ban players when there offline. In the end i died by the hacker. Little example if a hacker knows when there is a staff online he could just log and never get banned. some kid called Bassylon or something just logs when a staff is online. He is still hacking just like 1 month ago. Like I said before i wont get any support but hey I don't care.
Do people never understand the fact that you can report players? It's not just the mods job to gather evidence and get people banned. Also, what's an offline ban system? O.o
Acctualy i never thought of that but they could log and OMG i got a support. And a offline ban system or what ever you wanna call it is like that you can ban players even if there offline
That's what he means with offline ban system, which means that people will get banned when a moderator is offline. Its like a sort of Anti-cheat
Support, but maybe we can do something like 'watchdog' (u know what server im talking about) is it hard to code?
Basically something that bans you automatically for having hacks, such as the one that bans you for thirty minutes on skyblock.net automatically for flying. No support, these bring about all sorts of problems.
I believe he doesn't mean anti-cheats. I think he means that even if a player logs off a server the mods can still ban them? Correct me if I'm wrong :s