Your in-game name: HamoodiA What timezone are you in? +10 What country do you live in? Australia What languages do you speak? English, bit of Arabic and Italian. Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes/No yes Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) yes Why do you think you should become a mod? Ever since I joined the server I have been emphatic and joyful playing minecraft. I am an active player and always will be. I was nervous to apply or ask because your such a great and fast growing server but here I go. I would like to be a Moderator because I have alot of experience with being staff. I own my own server and have been Moderator on 2 other servers. I would never abuse the commands and players and help them if needed. I would help them if they have any troubles with other players and get on It immediately and be fair and listen to both Story's. I like to think I am a very fair and honesty person. If there were people hacking, abusing the commands, etc I would stop them Immediately by warning them, kicking them if needed ban them. But I would want evidence like a screenshot, video, etc. If I was a staff member I would look after the community as well as if I was a normal player. I would want to keep players happy and not upset or left out. I wouldn't want any player to leave the server because of me or other members and staff members. I will try make players want to be active and want them to play on Mineverse. I will make that happen by communicating with the players in a respectful and joyful manner. I will try to make the server more fun then what it already is. I will do fun giveaways and challenges at random and set times eg, money giveaways, rare Item giveaways, who can get the most kills in 1 minute (PVP) etc. Having these giveaways and Challenges will encourage players to be alert and active so they can contribute to the giveaways and challenges. What I will do! 1. I will be fun as much as possible. 2. I will give all players a safe and respectful environment. 3. I will help players out. 4. Talk to members and staff members with equal respect. 5. I will make players happy.:p 6. Try to keep it PG;) How long can you be active on the server everyday? I can spend 2-3 hours a day but If I was to be staff I wouldn't mind spending another hour or 2. How long have you been playing Mineverse? I have beenplaying for 1 1/2 years although I have just became active again. Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) No have been kicked though. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes, but like I said I have had experience with Moderator, but not like a lot of the applications were people say "I have had experience". If you were to give me the position as Moderator I would know most of the commands and will use them like a Moderator would. As if you were to give someone Moderator they have said they have had experience or not, and they get to a point were they have to do a simple Moderator task but they don't have the proper Moderator training/experience that would be difficult for the server, the staff, players and them selves. Do you meet the requirements for staff? Yes/No No I have skype.
No support. You do not meet the requirements You do not have 2fa enabled You don't have software to record (necessary for mods) You are a new member You should give it more time and get to know the community and be very active. Look at accepted applications as they will help guide you as to what your should look like, but don't copy applications. Good luck.
Agreed. No support, sorry. - It is COMPULSORY to meet the requirements before applying for Global Moderator. Once you've done that, make sure to re-tag me so I can take another look at this application. Good luck ~Andrew
No support, you don't meet all of the requirements and I have not seen you ingame or on the forums before.