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  • NA Second Moderator Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by NoHaxJusNarwhalz, Mar 15, 2016.


    Am I ready for staff?

    Poll closed Apr 29, 2016.
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    1. NoHaxJusNarwhalz

      NoHaxJusNarwhalz Active Member

      Feb 8, 2016
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      Hello Lads! First before I start my application I just
      want to say is that this is my second application and this time
      I will be a little more honest. Okay so I do not care if this gets
      denied. I will just stay Elite. I am not being sarcastic on that I actually
      wouldn't care. But if I actually get accepted I will be happier then ever!
      Okay I am gonna start and just to let you know I accept all replies.

      How old are you? I am 21 years old. I was born
      in 1995 and my birthday is January 25th.

      Your in-game name: My current name is
      NoplcaTheNarwhal but I have had lots of names
      so I will list them. Okay first we are starting with
      cadendude6, CookieGlasses, DolphinGlasses, DulphinR3kter,
      NarwhalR3kter, JackTheNarwhal, NoHaxJusNarwhalz. Yeah yeah I can see
      they all are immature but a huge part of the world is immature so I just wanted to
      fit in. I am sorry that's my fault I swear that my next name will be mature. But people
      call me by just Narwhal.

      What timezone are you in? My timezone is Pacific Coast and I live in Hawaii.
      I was first born in Ireland though so that does make me Irish.

      What country do you live in? I currently live in Hawaii with my wife. But I actually
      wasn't born in Hawaii. I was first born in Ireland like I said with the timezone question.Im
      I moved to New York when I was 19 (I moved out a little bit early). My girlfriend moved with me so there is a happy ending to that.I didn't really like it in New York so I moved to
      Hawaii when I was 20 years old. And my girlfriend moved with me.

      What languages do you speak? I speak Irish and English only. I can't speak French or Spanish
      because I actually never took a French or Spanish class. I can speak Irish because I was born
      in Ireland.

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
      Yes actually, I can screenshot. I cannot record because I do not know how to put my
      camera onto my computer without the sides of my computer showing. But I actually
      feel like screenshots are easier to use when to ban a hacker or griefer because I can
      upload the pictures to a website called imgur. Its a website to upload pictures you
      don't have to worry about it you probably know what it is.

      Why do you think you should become a mod? I will not compare myself to the other applicants. I will show you only a part of myself. I am a kind caring guy. I can be respectful, humorous at times! But I can act serious in certain situations. I can help out new members to the server and tell them to stay. If they have any problems I will find the solution. If there are any hacker or advertisers they will have to face me and I'll ban them. I will give the advertiser a gentle warning but if they continue they will immediately get banned, no hesitations.
      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      Monday-3:00-4:00 PM
      Tuesday 6:00-7:00 PM
      Wednesday 7:00-9:00 PM
      Thursday- 8:00-10:00 AM
      Friday- 4:00-7:00 PM
      Saturday- There is a slight chance I can be on
      Sunday-9:00-10:30 PM
      This is probably my schedule forever. There is a slight
      chance I can't be online on Saturday because I have
      to go to my job. On Thursday I can be on in the morning is
      because I go shopping with my wife and that takes a while. Everything
      else is at night or in the afternoon is because I usually sleep half of the day
      because I never get sleep because my cat always meows at night.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse? I have been playing for
      about 2 years. Throughout those 2 years I have realized many people
      are really nice. When I first joined I thought people were going to be mean but
      no everyone is nice. I always try to start a conversation and I always try to hangout
      with staff members. 2 years I have been on here and I have only played like 3 or 4
      games. I am disappointed in myself. I will really try to play new games and stay online

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) Yes I actually
      have. For a month, someone said "what is the website" and by accident I said the
      wrong website and I quickly read what I said and fixed it. But I still got banned sadly.
      But I haven't got banned on the forums and I hope I never do. Now I always read what I say
      before posting my message. Forums and in-game. But I forgive the staff member who banned me

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes I have been mod on many servers.
      I can tell it is over 15 servers. But I haven't been mod on a huge server like this. I have only been
      staff on small servers like 10-20 people on everyday. But those "millions" of servers I have been staff
      on I can tell this server is exactly like the small servers I am staff on. You have to ban hackers. Mute spammers.
      Watch out for rude people. I can tell it is way more then that. You have to be on 24/7 to ban hackers. You have to be on 24/7 to mute spammers. Basically what I am saying is that there is spammers all day and night. Maybe not hackers but big servers are most likely to get hacked. I will not abuse my powers if I get denied.


      Okay I am not stopping there, I will like to say that I know what to do.
      Okay, so I know that I have to watch the chat. I have to be mature at
      all times. Well I can have fun here and there, but I have to be mature most of the time.

      I have to be nice at all times because if I don't be nice I will get demoted. Or worse,
      be banned. In my opinion being banned is worse then being demoted.

      I know I cannot be mean and say it as a joke. I already do that but I stopped.
      I can control myself like that.

      I know I always have to control myself everyday I am on. I can't be immature
      everytime I am on. First of all I can't be immature at all. I can joke around but
      I can't make them immature. Okay fine scratch that I can make immature jokes here
      and there but not always. Okay I think that is better. Okay see I change what
      I say. You can always just stick onto one thing. You always have to change what you are saying
      and what you are sticking on. If someone says "that guy is hacking" you can't just stick onto
      what that guy/girl is saying. You have to get proof. And don't you dare say hacker when someone
      else just says it. You have to get proof! You have to see if that person is hacking or not. That happened to
      someone once on another server that I was staff on. Someone said someone was hacking and one guy just
      stuck onto what that guy was saying and just said "hacker!" without any proof. And it actually turns out
      he wasn't hacking at all. See, that's why you need proof for everything. Okay you probably get
      the idea.

      When you are staff you can't just post random posts on the forums. That goes for
      members to. You can't just say random immature things in a post. If you do that put that
      in the Off-Topic area. I did something like that but my post wasn't immature.

      I can't ban anyone for stupid reasons. Like spamming, when people spam you mute them. When it
      comes to spamming you ban them if they are spamming and being rude.

      If I get promoted to a rank that has creative mode I will not grief ever. I will not abuse my
      powers. As a staff member you have to be trusted you can't be the staff member people don't
      trust. I know I have to work hard as a staff member. I know I have to work hard after
      day after

      Okay this is almost the end of the application.

      Okay hello this is half of the application. Okay lets get started.

      Knowledge in commands: /ban (makes someone not join the server again)
      /kick (makes someone get off the server for a second)
      /fly (makes someone fly)
      /warn (a friendly warning for someone not to do what they did again)

      Helpfulness: I am really helpful to people. I always say what they need when they ask something. I always help this nice community.

      Activity: Activeness is the most important thing of being a staff member in my opinion.
      You always have to be active a staff member. You could get demoted.

      Experience: I am experienced enough to tell a person where anything is. I am not gonna
      say "um I do not know where that is" I will tell the person where it is. I am an experienced mod and player.

      Responsibility: I am a responsible staff member considering that I have my own server and I
      am I good owner. The members on it said that. I know the responsibility staff has to have. I will not abuse my power.

      Knowledge: I know not to fall for stupid stuff. Like maybe scams on prison or maybe hackers. What I mean by that hackers taking them onto their server and hacking me. I am smart enough to not fall for that.

      Community: I love this community way to much to abuse/hurt it in anyway. I will ban for no reason. I will ban for reasons. If I ban for no reasons I will get demoted. First of all I will never do that because I love this community. This is my favorite server and I will never give up on it.

      Determination: I am determined to anything. I will never give up on a player. I will stick onto one player and work hard at finding out what there problem is. I already do that as a member. I could even spend a month on a player. I once spent 2 months on a player to help them. Not kidding they have been on one server for 2 months and I still helped them. I am going to do the same for this server.

      Hacking: I do not hack. But I do know how to protect this server from hackers. I will spend day after day figuring out who is hacking this server. First of all that is a job for a staff member. You always have to figure out who is hacking. I know how to see if someone is hacking or not. If someone is in PVP or something the involves PVP and they hack with force field or something I will tell if it is forcefield or the person was just missing hits.

      Forgiveness: I can forgive people. It is hard for me because if someone hacks and says they're sorry it will take a lot of work for me to say I forgive you because they hacked. I can easily forgive people who spam and stuff. If they grief or something I cannot forgive them easily. Forgiving people is hard. It is not easy at all. When a staff member banned me for advertising I forgive that staff member. I can forgive stuff like that. But forgiving hackers is hard.

      Mature: I am really mature in my opinion. I will not say one of those stupid trends like what are those or d*mn Daniel. Those are the stupidest trends ever. The trends today are the stupidest. I really hope you agree. These trends make my eyes hurt because it makes me think how immature people are. If I ever become mod I will become even more mature. If I become more mature I will be 99% mature. That 1% Is immature. I will never use that 1% of being immature.

      Happiness: I am really happy everyday. I am always happy most of the time because I love life. I am sure everyone does to. If I become mod I will become happier then ever. This would be the most popular server I will be staff on.

      Grammar/Spelling: I will never use what usually people say like or nah, because it's just another thing that is stupid in our world. In 2006 or something when I was 11 there was no stupid trends like that. I use correct spelling. No or nah no what are those no 9+10=21. That is the most stupidest "trends" I heard of.

      Friendly: I always try to get more friendly whenever I get on any server. A couple months or weeks ago I was mean and said it was a joke. But now I realized I can't say it as a joke. So I have stopped being mean and saying it as a joke.

      My 3 Goals of being a moderator:

      I want to help everyone that goes for
      staff member or just members. I will even help
      the experienced people.

      I want to be a successful staff member
      because I've seen some unsuccessful staff members.

      I want to be known as a good
      staff member not be known as a bad staff
      Those are the 3 goals I want to accomplish when/if I become a moderator.
      I mostly like the sever and the forums because everyone is nice there.
      When you make a post or something and they something is wrong I just
      edit and tell the people I fixed it and I see what they have to say now.

      On the server I can start conversations and they talk back. Usually they
      talk in good grammar, good spelling, etc and that's how I like people
      to talk with me. When people spell wrong I tell them to please spell right
      but if they don't I am completely fine with them talking with that. And I might
      forgot the rules of mineverse maybe once or twice but I always see a staff member
      telling me to not use caps or something.

      Okay bye and have a nice week :D
      Last edited: Mar 15, 2016
    2. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Neutral, be more active in-game and on the forums.
    3. Jenn

      Jenn Well-Known Member

      Nov 5, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Neutral , Reasons are stated above
    4. ChiChay

      ChiChay Experienced Member

      Jan 2, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No Support

      • Be more active in-game/forums
      • Great app but the color hurt my eyes.
    5. ItsSniiper

      ItsSniiper Boss Member

      Feb 5, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Neutral, be more active and try to add more info because some info is extra.
      Good luck
    6. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No support. Reasons stated.
    7. Resign

      Resign Experienced Member

      Feb 12, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Neutral, reasons stated.
      Good luck!
    8. Stephen Curry

      Stephen Curry Well-Known Member

      Oct 7, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Neutral. Be more active on the forums & in-game. :)
    9. Tepig4321

      Tepig4321 Well-Known Member

      Sep 14, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Neutral, nice app but be more active on forums
    10. NoHaxJusNarwhalz

      NoHaxJusNarwhalz Active Member

      Feb 8, 2016
      Likes Received:
      I am editing it right now.
    11. NoHaxJusNarwhalz

      NoHaxJusNarwhalz Active Member

      Feb 8, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Okay guys I edited.
    12. ParanormalPizza

      ParanormalPizza Well-Known Member

      Sep 10, 2015
      Likes Received:
      You can only have one application open at a time, which one would you like closed?
    13. NoHaxJusNarwhalz

      NoHaxJusNarwhalz Active Member

      Feb 8, 2016
      Likes Received:
      My last one.
    14. NoHaxJusNarwhalz

      NoHaxJusNarwhalz Active Member

      Feb 8, 2016
      Likes Received:
      By the way do you think my application is good?
    15. alma

      alma Boss Member

      Oct 7, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Neutral, nice app but I've never seen you before. Good luck. :)
    16. NoHaxJusNarwhalz

      NoHaxJusNarwhalz Active Member

      Feb 8, 2016
      Likes Received:
      I always try to get on but I don't really have time.
    17. Wolf

      Wolf Well-Known Member

      Nov 1, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Neutral, AthleticPsycho has stated why!
    18. NoHaxJusNarwhalz

      NoHaxJusNarwhalz Active Member

      Feb 8, 2016
      Likes Received:
      May someone lock this app please
    19. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Neutral, be more active in-game and on the forums. Good luck!
    20. Terror

      Terror Well-Known Member

      May 6, 2016
      Likes Received:
      reasons stated
      also this blinds my eyes
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