Greetings! So, Cypriot being very nice and all, has implemented the legendary pokes and profile covers, which I am loving at the moment. Though, there are some minor flaws. 1. When you try to poke yourself, a message comes up saying you may not poke yourself, but the message is screwed up. I suggest to change the message to something else, for example, "Bruh, no." Or, "You cannot poke yourself." 2. The profile covers are amazing, as you can change the look and feel of your very own profile page by inserting a banner like cover to make your page more appealing. But, putting a profile cover doesn't go behind or under your information, but OVER it. This doesn't look as nice as having it under your details, like it is on Facebook, for example. I suggest to put the profile cover UNDER your details, which for me, is "Reborn, Experienced Member, Male, 12, A place far, far away.. with Discdog1000, [Recent Activity], Status, etc. 3. When you wish to poke someone, and you are on your profile page, the poke button is in a box/tab called "Moderator Tools". I do not understand this, as I can poke people and I am definitely not a moderator as you can see. I suggest to remove this tab completely and to just have the poke button next to the "Report" button. ADDED - Suggestion 1.
No support, as Cypriot has fixed it and it looks great now. If it doesn't fit you also may re-size it
If you were to put profile cover next to your Profile Picture, It wouldn't look nice. It'll look very messy&clustered. Keep it how it is. No Support.
The annoying gap has been closed up, so yeah, I like it :p Still haven't fixed up number 1. though ;p I've crossed out suggestion 2. as the new design looks better.
Support, I like the ideas! And it's nice that Cyp took your suggestion into account, though he changed it up a little.