I cant access /pay at skywars I did voted I did everything! but its still says I dont have an acess my friends does and I dont! plesae help why I just once in a life time deal beacsuse of it! and dont tell me to email mineverse support their NOT helpful!
You are doing /pay? If you want to know your balance the command is /bal and to buy items in game you use the command /shop, /pay is not enabled for anyone.
His friend bought rankup to Sponsor for him, but he had to pay him 100k on skywars, now he isn't enabled to use /pay.
Please answer the following questions to determine the proper solution. 1. Did your vote register on Skywars? 2. Has this issue happened in the past? 3. Are you using the correct command? /pay <amount> <username> /pay 100000 Ares_Xena A possible solution is to try /pay 100000 Ares_Xena : It overwrites the previous command.