As some/most of you may know, I'm moving, moving from a town I've lived in my whole entire life; my friends, teachers, family, etc. Are all here and I'm leaving.. I have not been the most active lately and this is the reason. My moving day is June 11th, 2016. I've been breaking down, crying, and just ignoring life. I try to get over the fact that I'm partially losing my best friend but I just can't. It makes me sad just writing this here on the forums some may think I'm doing this for "attention" but I'm not, I just want to know what I should do and how to get over something like this. Most of my days now I go to school, get home and sit in my bedroom the whole day from the sunlight, my family, etc. I was born here, raised here and I accept the fact of just leaving the town itself or all of my friends as I said, has anyone experienced something like this? I just want to know what I should do :( Moving away will most likely be my quieting day, I just don't want to accept the feeling of living in a different town, with different "friends" even if I may make any. I talked to my parents about online school of course it was a "no" as apparently "It's not the full experience" I never wanted to tell anyone this, I haven't even told my parents led alone why would I tell a Minecraft server? The main reason being is because you all are like a second family to me and I wouldn't wanna lose you guys/girls at all as well but you guys can go with me to my new place, my new home, etc. My in-real life friends, the ones I grew up with can not. This thread is a mess I know, but I thought I'd get it out there...
Aw, that's nice of you! Well, it must be tough for you, and hope you get over it soon! There's many more new people to meet, etc. MV's always here for you! :D
I didn't experience this exactly, but I switched school districts for middle school and lost all of my friends. Then my mom moved me back for high school and I had no friends. I moved to another school, not knowing anyone, but it ended up okay. All is well and I am happy. I lost all of my best friends too. I don't talk to them anymore, but I suggest you keep in contact with them. Good luck, and we may not know each other that well, but I am always here if you want to talk
It's not the end of the world as you'll still have contact with your friends (hopefully) due to social media. I'm sure your parents will let you vist your friends every once in a while. Moving to a different place isn't always as bad as you think. You never know what can happen. What if you move and meet some better people? What if you fall in love? (; Instead of thinking of the negative side of things you can help yourself by thinking in a positive way which will take away most your fears of moving..
The thing is, i've had a share of things that were hard to get through in life. Just last year, i've had my dreams shattered that I wanted to achieve during middle school, but guess that's the thing of the past. It's hard to stop thinking about this but eventually I moved on. Don't think about the negative think about the positives, it's not the end of the world. Just think about the new friends you make when you transfer to a new school.
You're going to make friends where ever you go, it happens to everyone. If not, there will be one person there that you can talk to if you feel as if you're down. You will always have us, the Mineverse community. Come back, we will welcome you fully.
I know how it feels. But I haven't moved this far. I feel so bad for you and that you are going to leave many friends and leave the place you know and love. ;-; I hope you make great friends where you move and I hope you can keep in touch with your other friends. Good luck moving. ;-----; <3
Wow this is really nice of you, makes me feel better It's not the factor of "not wanting new friends" It's just that I'm so used to my friends if you know what I mean..
Why are you quitting just because you're moving, not like Mineverse is in your city and you won't have access to it.
You're honestly so rude.. I asked for no hate and you continue by messaging me these things, just wow..
So I'm moving, moving away from my best friends and I'm not allowed to be upset? Makes sense Cassie, makes a ton of sense..