Your in-game name: TrixiethegamerYT What timezone are you in? Pacific What country do you live in? United States What languages do you speak? English And learning french Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes/No Yes Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) Yes I have many ways for capturing video and screenshots Why do you think you should become a mod? I think I should be a mod for the following: ⚠Responsibility⚠ I know I was not responsible before but I changed my ways. I know you Must be Very Responsible for being a mod and now that I'm older I think I can handle being a mod And helping out this wonderful server ⚠Maturity⚠ As I mentioned before you must also be very mature And I think I can handle being mature I know I didn't seem mature before but I feel I can take on this challenge and I hope I can learn from this experience ⚠Fast Typer⚠ I understand most mods are fast typer. I am a fast typer and I can help people immediately when they ask. My wpm is 69 and I am trying to improve. ⚠Calm⚠ I am very calm and very nice to people . I might have seen mean when I first joined. I was just new and I was just really nervous. ⚠Knowledge⚠ I know all the basic commands /fly /god /ban (player) (reason) /tempban (player) (reason) (amount of time) /mute (player) (reason) (amount of time) ⚠Active⚠ I am very active on mineverse and the forms. Being active is the most Important thing because you get to help more people in game and on the fourms ⚠Helpfulness⚠ Helpfulness is always a important part of being a mod. I enjoy helping people and will help with anything I can help with ⚠Trustworthy⚠ I am very trustworthy. I always remember to do something you need me to and I also never tell anyone things that you have told me. It is really important for me to be trusted in the mineverse community How long can you be active on the server everyday? I can be active Monday threw Friday from 4pm to 8pm Ingame and on fourms and on Saturday and sunday 1pm to 10pm in game and on fourms How long have you been playing Mineverse? 2 years 3 years in june Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) yes I have banned ingame for staff disrespect and buying enderpearls in skywars shop Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes I have had my own server but I do not use it Thank you for taking the time out of your day for viewing my application I really appreciate it. Have a good day and leave tips down there
No support, sorry. Not active on forums Add more detail in "Why do you think you should become mod?" Never saw you ingame Do more reports -Good luck.
No support, leaning on a neutral. -Too many colors. Makes it hard to read. Especially the really bright ones. -Never seen you in-game -About what period of time were your bans? Have you learned from them? -Staff are required to have Skype or Teamspeak. Do you have either?
No support, sorry. - Be more active on forums - The last time I saw you, you were calling others names and being pretty rude. Try to fix that language and attitude. You're pretty hostile at times. - Agreed, at least get this thing right before you actually want to be a Moderator. - Do you meet the minimum requirements? - Do more reports on forums - Ehh... I'd like to see more effort put in based on your attitude, basically. Good luck!
Neutral. I've seen a few people state that you need more detail, don't listen to them because they have no idea what they're talking about. Detail is not required and it does not help. Where can I find you in game?
No support. Players and mods have stated pretty good reasons as to why you are not yet fit to be a moderator for mineverse. But I do strongly encourage you to keep trying. Just because you didn't get it this time doesn't mean you won't ever have the chance to be one. Take the advice people have given you and become better for the server. Only then will people see you qualified to be a moderator :D