Hello I am a old Mineverse player and have moved on in life and wanting to know if chargebacks allowed because I need some irl money.
Charge backs are not allowed you'll be permanently banned from the server automatically if you charge back. But if you need the money just do it you said "you moved on from the server" :P
No, chargeback aren't allowed. If the payment was a long time ago, you couldn't anyways. If you happen to, you will be banned from buycraft and our MV servers.
It's not worth it, you're causing more of a hassle. When you donated, it said you cannot charge back. Guess someone didn't read..
You can still Charge Back (If he needs the money) :/ Even though It's bannable I don't think he cares if he is banned. I'm not gonna say I respect "Charge backing" or anything but if he needs it, he should/shouldn't do it, idk man >.<
There is a certain time frame where you can't charge back any longer. And yes, in the relation to this server's earnings and generally, 100 bucks is very little and not significant enough to be a legal battle.
just contact paypal and tell them a bs story like "someone used my account unauthorized" or "my account was hacked".
hi i ned moni in rel live and i ned to charg bak. Not worth the hassle of charging back. If you want to come on the sever again, you would be banned.
Well, ultimately the choice is yours. If you've actually moved on from this server, then I guess you may want to just chargeback but well... I guess it'll be a shame, since you'll be perm banned.