Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by CypriotMerks, May 17, 2016.
Lmao rip. The language is still better than my brother when he plays games...
I don't know what CS:GO is but it is very bloody .
This hurts as a CSGO player ;-;
lol, I don't even know what CS:GO is :D
Much silver.
you're just trying to get more views than my video.
You do not play many FPS games...
Woah woah woah woah... Hold up. THE OSTRICH - CYP - PLAYS CS:GO.. I'm flabbergasted.
"Noop" and "Noot"
omg I'll have to try the bomb has ben defused thing
Cyp, you suck at cs.
WOWOWOW owned gg
"Noop" or is it "Noot"