So, you're not supporting because @Van isn't here? Kind of a stupid reason not to support, it isn't even a proper reason to not support. Let's do it for Shrek, support ;) Something you could do is replace the tacky iron bars with barrier blocks, as they are invisible and make the map look nicer and not like some prison.
Stop trying to doubt my opinion. You are literally just being rude to be rude. If you want to try to doubt people's opinions go on Moderator applications otherwise stop trying to comment on my opinion.
I am being rude to be rude? Seriously, you can't just not support a map because a helper isn't here to see this finished. It isn't like he's the owner of the whole project, and not supporting it is absurd.
I'm gonna have to go with No Support. Don't get me wrong, it's a great looking map, but I just think that it has too many places to camp, and looks like it would be very hard to move around in.