Support, You have been around for ages and I'm suprised this is the first time I've seen your application
Thanks for the support ^_^ Yeah, I been here for quite a while and I got what it takes to become a mod here
No support. You need a recording software! :( Phone recordings... You really don't understand, do you? Well, for my Mac (I know, Mac is pretty bad), I just use QuickTimePlayer, iMovie, Bandicam, etc. These stuff are pretty good, especially if you're uploading to YouTube. Reasons for No Support: - You're friendly, but you seem more like one to be a good friend and a friendly player, as compared to a more serious/slightly friendly Moderator. - Be more active on "Help" and Discussion sections. - Get more reports in - I guess you're slightly well-known, but I guess not exactly well-known to have potential as a leader or a Moderator. More like known to be a really friendly and welcoming person, as mentioned in the first point. - I think you'd be too lenient/kind/friendly with others as a Moderator that maybe you can get distracted or slightly carried away by being friends and keeping on everyones' good side. I mean, don't get on everyones' bad side, that's not what I'm saying. It's just maybe know that people don't like you for reporting them, etc. sometimes, stuff like that
Also, be sure to download Teamspeak 3 or Skype/both if you haven't. It's now a requirement that you have at least one of these.
... And Neutral,I never saw you ingame but that app is great and you have alot of the qualities needed. Good luck!
alright. I'm mainly in survival, creative and skyblock. I'm in survival atm I try to get on as often, and catching up with college stuff too.