You know it! : )) Just comment below whatever you like and I will tell my opinion on you! Had to make it fancy! <3
If she wants one, she can ask. :'D For you, you sound really cool though I haven't really met you ever, I hope to though. See ya around! : ))
:tearsofjoy:Alrighty, so we have got into a few fights (which I hope we are both over) I really think you are beautiful and really nice and I love how confident you are. I hope to chat with you more!
Yes, I love your name. Pretentious sounds really cool and I think your super nice. From what I have seen your friendly and kind. Keep it up! :tearsofjoy:
Ok you are super cool and like everyone loves you here. I barely know you but I want to know you a lot more. Your just amazing and make so many friends. I look up to you.