Support, it would be cool as a test each trial mod gets to choose one gamemode to moderate before gaining the full position and if they handle that one little community well they could handle the rest! Supportttttt
I've made so many threads regarding this, and none of them received supports. Please, this would be such a great idea, to trial moderators!
Neutral. Why would we need mods who have 1 or 2 gamemodes, while we can have mods who work in each gamemode? My point makes sense, doesn't it?
If you have mods who are specifically dedicated towards just two servers, then you have "active" mods. Which is what we want here, right?
We already have amazing mods. Such as, @Clxrity @Smiley @Payable and @Vanishment they are VERY active.
I'm not denying that we have good mods. That's true, we in-fact to have good mods. Sure, some of the mods are not to bad when it comes to activity. But, I'm talking about specific server activity. These mods have to cover how many servers? Having mods who are specified towards 2 servers means that those two servers will be moderated at a higher rate. Personally, with living in the UK, there are certain times throughout the day when there are no moderators online.
I'm not arguing though? I'm doing the same as what you are, expressing my opinion. Sorry for annoying you, but you should learn the difference.
In all honesty tho, We had tried this before, with mods just moderating just two servers It didn't work out. So CypriotMerks wen't back to global mods. More then likely this won't be accepted or even thought about. I'm changing to no support.