So, I was checking on some other forums about the EULA Reinforcement issue, and found this website someone was mentioning: It would check if the server is blocked or not. It seems that mineverse is fine... does anybody know about this?
''Oh no the game isn't pay2win anymore'' Honsetly,players should have known that Mojang was hostile against the servers that have ingame transactions for RL money.They even made the EULA back in 2012 or something.
I think there's something about as long as the server is under 1.9.3 or something, the server is fine.
No, they have allowed the 1.9.3 release client to be excempt from EULA for some reason all servers from 1.9.2 - 1.7.2 will be EULA enforced
I play another server which is currently blacklisted, if you're using 1.8.9 forge, 5zig mod or a 1.8 hacked client you can bypass the blacklisting for now
It's going to be on there eventually, we don't abide by the EULA and Mojang will find out and add us in.