I've been workin on something cool for a long while for MV. I know I'm not active ingame, but I think everyone and anyone could say this is pretty cool instead of the normal terrain. What if you walked out the spawns of these gamemodes and saw this? https://gyazo.com/54fe7686d3af8701c6c45c1978c16a52 or https://gyazo.com/8cfda3a3c81579b3521f9b756853fe48 or even https://gyazo.com/0fb138f1648da5ee07de942d7cdf6370 Thats not even it... I use a plugin called terrain control and most experienced server owner would have tried this out... It uses world edit schems, biome files, Bo2's, and Bo3's to generate custom worlds. I have worked on over 300 biomes, thousands of assorted trees, structures, and dungeons that can be edited and re-modified. I am willing to hand my files to Rythen or Cypriot to be used on Mineverse. I'll post more screenshots in a video at a later point. I would just like to know if you guys want this xD.
I think you accidentally posted the same gyazo link twice? Support though, I think it would make a lovely touch!