Greetings! So, I was thinking about the forums, and started brainstorming some ideas on how we could improve it. That's when I remembered something a few months ago, when Zulfqar made a portal on his servers forums. It looked absolutely amazing, and he also made a test portal on Mineverse, but I cannot find the link, unfortunately. I think a portal for Mineverse would be epic, as most popular servers have this, and it would make the forums more welcoming for new-comers. While I was on the portal, I check Zulfqar's forums, and it looked awesome. I will be honest, it looks a lot better than ours if it had a background to go with it. Everyone on his profile page asked him to ask Cyp to redesign MV's forums, but either he didn't or Cyp said no. Seriously, if we were to add a portal and a new theme/look, the forums would be even better than before. If you do not know what a home portal exactly is, or if you wish to see an example of one, please feel free to PM Zulfqar, who is the brains when it comes to developing and coding. ~rebornn
Uh, thanks for tagging me xD I'd be willing to make Mineverse a similar portal for a bit of money. But if Mineverse were to make a portal, no way in hell will cyp choose me xD I made a new one btw. also, change the link to this, or add both but they use the same design databases are broken, but will be fixed very soon. <edited> But yes, I am good with web development ;)
Thanks all <3 First of all, you're welcome ;) Secondly, I don't see why Cyp wouldn't choose you, as getting another person to do it would be more costly and time consuming (To actually find someone). Thirdly, you're also welcome to have half of the credit in this, so you can also thank people for their support or ask others why they don't.
Why not? It wouldn't cost anything over $100 and it would look mych better than the other ones I've made with fully working statistics of Top Balances on each servers, Player searches like Hypixel ( and Top Rubies and other stuff like that, I was also thinking of a cool design for it too, to mach Mineverse's space theme. I think it would be more than worth it, since other Web Developers may charge something like $1000+ for this project, since it contains a lot of MySQL work.
Mineverse makes much more than $100 a day, so I wouldn't think it would be a cost issue, and it would make the website much better, and I'd edit the XenForo too, as right of now Mineverse are using the Default style with color palette changes and a background change. So it would be a worthwhile investment.
We have got broken servers that wouldnt cost anything to fix, What makes you think they will want to spend $100 on something that isnt broken?
Well, I'm not sure why the Leadership team arn't working on the servers, but it would be a cool aspect for the website, nevertheless.