This is actually a bad thing, Minet**e is known to be hacker polluted, so let's just hope all of the good guys come here, it's bad enough we have a lot of hackers already ;)
the likely hood of that is like five out of 50 but it could still happen i do admit i did hack on there in like 2013 but it's sad to see a server that is close to the popularity of mineverse die out seeing how it was one of my first servers that i played on but i hope the new players will be good and not cause chaos otherwise to all the staff Goodluck.
That server? One of my oldest friends from 2012 when I started minecraft on a server that is now dead said I would find him on there. I last saw him 2014. Maybe he will be recommended over here? If you seen an ign called callum656565 tell me.