1. Bexrs 2. They are all stated in the video ( waden13, Kingstefan123, XDr_CreepyPastaX, ShildTurtle412, Legacy_Rainz, kingox3532, Styx_SoulStealer and EzPzStrafez) 3. Hacking 4.
As Im watching the video, I need to be able to see your full screen while recording. The shading on either side of the screen does not allow me to see everything I need to see. Do you by chance have the recording without the shading on the screen? @Arabic_Bear
Oh yes, I do. I will change it right away! ( in 40 minutes... people are using up my internet while it's uploading so)
Oh please no, I have reviewed everything and made my decision about the players in the video. I just need an unobstructed video instead of the one with the faded areas.
And another 40 minutes to go xD I have a problem with Movie maker and those faded areas, I will try to solve them, brb.
Let me ask the head mods if I would be ok to accept this video the way it is. Ill let you know as soon as I hear back from them.
Alright, I am ok to accept the report. So here is what will happen with each player: waden13 already banned Kingstefan123 will be banned XDr_CreepyPastaX will be banned ShildTurtle412 will be banned Legacy_Rainz not enough evidence kingox3532 not enough evidence Styx_SoulStealer already banned EzPzStrafez already banned
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.